Longline Fishing Essay

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Fishing is a fun recreational activity and many people like to fish. From pinfish to tuna people catch fish all over the world. Some techniques are brutal and can hurt the environment. An exceptionally brutal tactic is longline fishing. This is where a long line of up to 12,000 hooks and at its longest thirty miles of rope for fish to eat the bait on the hooks and get stuck for a few hours and maybe even days. As said by the website Fishing Gear 101”Longlines are a highly indiscriminate fishing gear. They catch and kill many, many unintended species. ” Longline fishing has many problems such as harming plants and animals that don't need to be caught.It may feed a ton of people but it's not worth all of the harm it does.
There are two types of long lines: pelagic longlines and bottom long lines. Pelagic longlines sit on top of the water where many animals are in danger. AS said by …show more content…

Some people say there are ways to make it better, but it can never be perfected. One way to reduce catches is to shorten the length of the rope. The normal reach of a longline is 30 miles. If they shortened that length down to half a mile or 4 miles they would catch as many target fish they want but that also reduces unwanted catches. Another way to reduce catches as said on the website ocean bites “According to participants, the best way to reduce unwanted catch and mortality from longlines is to modify the fishing gear itself.”. Another way to reduce catch of unwanted fish or in this case birds is neon colored streamer lines. These bright colors scare off the birds so hey don't get caught on the line. A way to stop sea turtle catches is to use circle hooks instead of the standard j shaped hooks. On top of that using whole fish bait instead of squid means less sea turtle catches and less shark catches. All of these are ways to make long lines safer for the increasingly endangered species that get stuck on your

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