Logical Fallacy Essay

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This essay will describe why, and examine the evidence given in the two chosen articles on video games, and violent behavior. I will provide the evidence given in these articles and, I will decide which article, I believe creates a stronger argument. Moreover, in my opinion, I plan on arguing the stronger article, and giving examples from both articles. Nonetheless, I will identify any logic fallacies that exist in both articles and explain what makes them logic fallacies. The articles that I chose goes as follow: Proposed “Violence in Video Games Labeling Act” Centered around logical fallacy. The second article is Playing Games with Violence. I would like to start by describing what logic fallacies consist of: Logical Fallacies is roughly …show more content…

My first article Proposed “Violence in Video games Labeling Act “Centered around Logical Fallacy, seemed to have the stronger argument than the article, Playing games with Violence. The reason the first article seems stronger, because of the factual evident that the representatives from California presented to the consumers. The first representative from Oklahoma William Fourkiller tried to increase video games by a 1% tax increase on all video violent or non-violent, which clearly was in my opinion, considered unconstitutional. Therefore, Baca, and Wolf, California Representatives decided to intitiate the same concept, except they did it in a more political matter. Moreover, from a non-game perspective, it seems pretty harmless even from a gamer perspective, it’s not likely to change your life one way or another. Nonetheless, failing to treat it with respect it deserves a respect that film, music, and literature all enjoy. So, therefore, the logical fallacies in both of these articles, in my opinion was deception. In California the representatives use software to entice the consumer by selling the software with the intent on raising the 1% tax anyway. Whereas, the representatives in Oklahoma just straight out wanted to increase video games violent or non-violent which, I believe the consumers’ would have not engaged in buying any of his video games. And, the article playing video games with violence tried to link bad behavior while playing this game. The logical fallacies in this article also, displayed deception. The study that was conducted never found any hard factual evident that playing video games lead to violent behavior, so the people of Pennsylvania could were mislead by the State Government Commission’s Advisory Committee on Violence Prevention. In my opinion, I also, believe that if a person already have a violent behavior playing video games

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