Logic Framework of Monitoring and Evaluation Direction

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Until a few years ago the social sector in Latin American Countries (LAC) including the Republic of Peru characterized for being a scarce source of information for public utility that allows society to do a formal tracing of the processes, achievements and challenges of the social development sector. This established an important restriction for the improvement and progress of social policy and programs due that without information it’s impossible to perform the M&E of public policy, required for transparency, accountability, and the continuous improvement of government’s actions.
It was not until the end of the last century that some international agencies including the ones forming the United Nations (UN) that pioneer a “measurement and tracking” for the development schedule, a point that has been identified as an important lack. Thus was identified that many agencies since decades had been carrying out a minute measurement of some economic indicators, there was little information about the progress of other relevant social dimensions such as poverty, inequality, education, health, environment, etc. This meant enormous limitations to verify social expenditure, the efficacy of policy actions, and the success or failure of the government driven programs.
A major advance in the subject was the poverty measurement annually published by the World Bank since the early 90’s, as well as the reports of human development published annually by the United Nation Development Program (UNDP). The latter classified for first time countries under their income, education and health simultaneously under the Human Development Index (HDI) that allowed to measure welfare beyond the GDP, to include other dimensions viewed as equally or mo...

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... the design and management, the ultimate goal that is “To improve performance” relies also in several factors and elements belonging to the context that are beyond the reach on influence from the action operators.
Therefore the inclusion of the “Contribute” verb implicitly brings on an ambiguity element whereby is accepted that necessarily evaluation will cause an improvement and introduce a cautious element regarding the objectives and scope of evaluations. That is to say, is recognized that the impact of evidence (generated from evaluation areas) is influenced by the context and people in charge of the operation. Therefore under this circumstances it is impossible for the responsible area to achieve an scenario in which the evaluation fulfill the goals and even more, that made it feasible with a worsening in the performance and accountability of social policy.

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