Literary Techniques In The Film Birdman

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Examine the ways in which Alejandro Iñarritu utilises literary techniques to explore the central ideas of Birdman

Alejandro G. Iñarritu exploits a range of literary techniques to present the dominant themes of power, greatness, and reality/madness in his successful film Birdman (or The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance.)

Throughout the film Birdman the dominant theme of power is examined through the use of camera shots, irony, perspective, and mise en scene. Iñarritu imposes the idea of predatory behavior of animals in Mike and Riggan’s power struggle by circling the camera around the conflict, emphasising the dichotomy of the two protagonists. This also places the audience in a position of power, as characters are placed under a microscope and are under examination by the observing audience. Similarly empowering the audience is the …show more content…

Iñarritu explores dramatic irony here by dis-empowering Lesley whilst empowering the audience, generating pathos for the victim of the awkward situation. Contrastingly, the audience viewing the film experiences discomfort at the end of the performance in the St. James theatre, during Riggan’s suicide scene. Tabitha Dickenson, the New York critic, does not rise to applaud the performance whilst everyone else does, Iñarritu employs a blue colour scheme to create a juxtaposition with the harsh stage lighting. This contrast emphasises the power Dickenson has compared to the passive audience: To be able to walk out of an applauding theatre without turning back only accentuates the power her opinion obtains. In addition to Riggan’s suicide, the audience is further disempowered through a lack of control; Iñarritu forces the audience to take the perspective of Riggan just after he makes the decision to take a real gun on stage. This scene

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