Literary Impact On Oliver Twist

962 Words2 Pages

Alejandro Rodela
Bri. American p.10
Mr. Tryniecki
11 December 2017
Oliver Twist Charles Dickens had many works that were written. One of his best works while being a writer was Oliver Twist. The novel, Oliver Twist, was Dickens first ever novel published. Charles Dickens had a great impact on British Literature. The reason why Charles Dickens wrote Oliver Twist is to express the views on how the rich treated the poor and the laws regarding the poor. Charles Dickens published many other stories that are well-known still in today’s society. His books are known to be read all over the world. Some of the stories that were published include A Christmas Carol, David Copper, A Tale of Two Cities, and Great Expectations. The novels that were created …show more content…

When Charles was at a young age, him and his family were considered to be part of the lower class. The parents of Dickens gave great effort in trying to support the family. Charles’s father John Dickens, was a naval clerk while his mother, Elizabeth Dickens was aspired to be a school teacher ( At a young age, Dickens was being forced to work. With small amounts of money his family had, food was scarce and education for the family was beginning to diminish.. At age 12, John Dickens was sentenced to prison after being in debt after long periods if time. Soon later after his father's imprisonment, Charles was forced to not attend school, but to work at a factory. Charles Dickens did not have a chance to be a kid, but grow up in just an instant and become the provider of the family. Charles hated to work in the factory. Due to fact that Charles was a boy, he was teased by other workers because he was so young. Later on, his father was then released from prison and Charles was then able to start his education …show more content…

His passion began from a life of struggle. In one of the books, Oliver Twist, he attacks the New Poor Law of 1834. The New Poor Law was really a series of measures that were enacted in 1834 (Charles Dickens Info). The New Poor Act of 1834 were suppose to support the indigent people. “It meant that any person who was homeless, without work or even simply ill or disabled, could be put into enforced labor in the dreaded workhouses” (Owlcation). Unfortunately, the law had some major flaws. Charles Dickens did not relate to this law. Charles Dickens wanted to point out that there was no sign of assistance towards the poor. Oliver Twist was created toward the human society to emphasize that the poor are not being treated equally. Society is judging others based on how and what one has instead acting as if all were equal. Dickens points out that the rich may be punishing the poor for something they could not control. Society today seems as if the poor don’t mean anything.

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