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Different functions of public relations
Public relations definition
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Public relations involve a lot of majors and works in every day life. A person that decides to study Public relations as his or her major, can join the career in every field related with advertising, marketing, manager, etc. However, sometimes individuals tend to ask, what is public relations? I have been searching and I found three important sources that can explain perfectly what is public relations. Cohen, Heidi. “31 Public Relation Definitions”. Heidicohen.com. Heidicohen.com, Mar. 8 2011. Web. 27 May 2016 In this article, the author talks about thirty-one different definitions for Public Relations. She states that during a conversation about social media or marketing, the individuals tend to have different perspectives about the topic. …show more content…
Also, she was saying that working in PR agencies change your day everyime, this mean that, the schedule is changing every day with meeting, morning coverage of clients, communicating with the media, etc. She pointed out some of the things that PR professionals do regularly. They find journalist that will be able to write about things about the clients. They work with the network almost every time because they have to communicate with their co-workers, clients and professionals. They write pitches and monitor media coverage, which means that, if PR professionals want to have good relation with their clients they must be able to let them know when and where they can be featured. I would say that, working in PR agencies has their pros and cons. One of the pros are that everyday is different, which means you will not get tired of your work, you can participate in fun events and you can interact with many people. On the other hand, this work requires a lot of hours and the fact that you have to interact with different people can be exhausting sometimes. Also, working in PR agencies can cause a lot of
Newsom, D., Turk, J., & Kruckeberg, D. (2013). This Is PR: The Realities of Public Relations
Dr. Bob Batchelor, Associate Professor of Public Relations states-“Public Relations is all of organizations relationships with all of its potential audiences. Marketing is the umbrella term used for all communication that goes on in a corporation or organization. Convergence has already taken place and it will continue.
Public relations have been a prominent aspect of society for millennia, dating back to 50 B.C. with Julius Caesar and referred by the Ancient Greeks as “semantikos”, which is the practice of persuading people into a belief or action (Witman, 2000). Public relations is still been influenced by the contributions of key historical and contemporary figures including Benjamin Franklin and Ivy Lee.
There is a dissonance between how I understand the public relations professional and how people see it.
Budgets have been compiled to cover the input of an external PR team, in terms of strategic advice, media relations and event management. The PR teams personnel are based in the UK; and are senior strategists with expertise in technical public relations. The consultancy’s strategy director will oversee the PR team, with overall accountability to SBR.
Successful public relations specialist will have to do many individual tasks within themselves. A public relations specialist will have to plan public events, speak for a client or client company and work with the press (What Is). The public relations specialist will have to think outside of the box as far as attention towards one’s brand goes. Like in the case of the Red Bull Stratos jump. The public relations specialist for Red Bull dreamt up a great scheme for the company and it worked. It was different and a specialist will have to be too. There are some important personal skills to use as a public relations person. Intelligence and an outgoing personality are the tools to help one in this career (Museum of). The public relations specialist at Red Bull was obviously an outgoing thinker. Nobody else would think of having a man jump from the edge of the Earth for your brand.
We now live in a liberal democracy were public opinion influences political action. So as public opinion has sustained an influential presence within politics we have now seen the emergence of public relations within politics. According to Moloney public relations is “the discipline which looks after reputation, with the aim of earning the understanding, support and influencing opinion and behaviour. It is the planned and sustained effort to establish and maintain good will and mutual understanding between organisations and its publics” (Moloney, 2:2006). In relation to politics public relations is about maintaining a positive relationship with the public. Public relations main concern in relation to politics would be the reputation and image...
The discipline of public relations is a modern profession which has been in existence for only close to a century; however, it has already taken an important role in the fields of business, government, entertainment and non-profit organizations including educational institutions and healthcare organizations. Public relations professionals are required to have excellent organizational, interpersonal and communication skills and have the ability to persuade the public. It is imperative for PR professionals to effectively communicate with its public in order to establish and maintain a positive relationship. Furthermore, public relations professionals must have the ability to work under pressure and effectively manage crisis which may have detrimental effect on the company and the public it serves. State purpose of paper and an overview of what will be covered in the introduction
Kenney, Daniel R. "Public Affairs | Clips." Public Affairs | Clips. California State University, 26
Wright, D., & Hinson, M. (2008). Examining the Increasing Impact of Social Media on the Public Relations Practice. International Public Relations Research, 11, 1-21.
What is Public Relations (PR)? PR is difficult to define because it encompasses so many areas and today has developed into a multi-million dollar industry influencing all aspects of our lives (Adams et al, 1999). However, it is important to be able to compare and contrast the various definitions in order to have a complete understanding of what public relations is and how it is used. The public is a large population to consider, making it easier to understand why it is so difficult to define PR. Along with a large population come many perceptions, beliefs, ideas, and opinions, all influences on PR. I define public relations as the act/s used by individuals, corporations, and groups to influence ones opinions and/or decisions about a product, idea, person/s, company/s, etc. and the public. Robert L. Heath defines PR as functions of management/supervisors that foster an organization's ability to strategically listen to, appreciate, and respond to those persons who's mutually beneficial relationships with the organization are necessary if it is to achieve its missions and values (Health, 2007)'.
With social media’s rise in popularity, consumers were given another platform, a viral one, to discuss companies and their products/services. While the main focus of public relations has always been to promote communication and goodwill, the practice also promotes publicity for their clients. With the growth from traditional tools to more sophisticated tactics like video news releases, webcasts, blogs, and social networking, public relations has been able to transform its effectiveness in just a few short years. Any company that does not include the use of social media, is missing the opportunity to obtain valuable information about their brand while also losing a chance to spread its message on a platform that reaches
...s in public relations are always exciting and ever changing. The different aspects of the job, along with unconventional office hours and locations, make this profession one of the most desirable in the country.
Build image and reputation of the organization. PR practitioners work for the organization to image and reputation of the organization in different magazines, articles in media, and its publications.
Public relations is everywhere today. It is a practice that has become an important aspect of any business venture. Whether an organization is not for profit, for profit, or governmental, they still need and desire to communicate their purpose within the community and public relations allows this to happen. There are several publics in which the PR practitioner must correspond with and each requires a different means of communication. Internal publics are inside the organizations such as clerks, managers, and stockholders. "External publics are those not directly connected to the organization: the press, government, educators, customers, suppliers, and the community" (Seitel, 2004). Each public plays a key role in the PR of the organization. The many functions of PR can also be categorized based on what purpose they serve the organization.