Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping The Poor Analysis

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There are several thought processes on the responsibility of the individual in relation to his station in society. One might advocate survival of the fittest while another takes the yoke of burden his brother carries as his own weighted responsibility. This timeless debate has been the focus of essays, books and heated arguments. Two authors, Garret Hardin and Nobel prize winner Muhammed Yunus, show juxtapositions on the subject and merit the examination of their opposing view points. Hardin makes a strong case against helping the poor in his essay entitled “Lifeboat Ethics: The Case Against Helping the Poor.” Yunus has a completely different viewpoint in his writings and shows the merits of reaching out to the poor and providing the necessities to improve their station in life. While there is never a clear-cut solution to any problem that mankind faces, there are still strongly weighted, favored outcomes for either philosophy. Despite Hardin’s argument against
He states that the world has limited space and resources, and he finds that ethics do not dictate sharing these limited resources. He also complains that poorer nations reproduce more often causing the ratio of poor to rich people to increase each year and expending even more natural resources of the Earth each year. This is a very limited argument for selfish self-preservation. It lacks vision in finding creative solutions. The first, most obvious counter to his position is to simply build more lifeboats. The poor do not want in another’s lifeboat; they want a lifeboat of their own. While Hardin can justify limiting immigration of poor into the United States in order to preserve our own resources, his argument does not examine the fact that third world nations have resources of their

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