What Does Life Mean To You Essay

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This paper will argue that meaning of life is what is important to us as individuals and as humans. The importance of something might be different for all of us. We as individuals look at the world from different perspectives due to many factors that affect our everyday life. Singularity is what makes us special, there are not two identical individuals in the entire world. No matter how similar we are from each we always have something different something that makes us unique. As an example, the twins are genetically identical but they have many different experiences as they grow up. But, at the same time we all have something in common, no matter how different we are. As an example, a hard worker that is coming from the other side of the …show more content…

We are always asking Why, How, When, and What. Those questions take us to think in our meaning in life. Where are we going? What are we going to do for the rest of my life? When are we going to die? Existentialism is the word that we use to lead our life, every one of us has used that word before to guide our life into one path one way that leads us to the meaning of life. There is one thing that we have to clarify before going into more deeply thinking and that question is What is meaning? That is the question that many of us have asked to ourselves or even a teacher, a friend, a professor asked us before that before. What is the meaning of meaning? The dictionary definition of the word meaning is “what is intended to be, or actually is, expressed or indicated; signification; important.” (The American Heritage Idioms Dictionary, 2002). There is an abrupt change when we add a single word to this question, that word is life. What is the meaning of life? We all might have many different answers to this question but, the truth is that every definition and answer is right. There is no wrong answer but, there are wrong concepts and contexts of the meaning of life. The question leads us to another question, what makes life meaningful? Well many of us might …show more content…

The experiences that illustrates what is the meaning of life. We can take what we have been through our life. Adding up these experiences make a pile of stories, those stories that in somehow help up build our present. Since we were born we have been through a lot of events like for example, a kid who is learning how to talk, his parents influence him. They teach him how to talk by talking to him and make him understand a certain language that experience is going to have a big change in his life because he is learning how to communicate with others but more than that he is learning how to express himself. Another kid learned how to talk but now his parents are teaching him values which he is going to use the rest of his life, for example, respect, honor, attitude, honesty. On the other side of the world, a kid who is older has just watched how his father was killed by his uncle. In the same side of the world a young adult who is saying to his girlfriend, he loves her after she found out that he was cheating on her. Right now there is a person who is thinking that life is dead for them that they are not doing something that is worth in the world so, they are thinking to kill themselves. Right now there is a man who is violating a woman, right now there is a

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