My Life Journey

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Life is not a linear path from your birth to your death. Life is a series of ups and downs, turns and stops that will leave you hanging on for what comes next. There is no set way of going about one 's life except knowing that you will always be learning, no matter your age. The eighteen years prior to my arrival at this school have been quite a journey, yet I know that they will be nothing compared to what lies ahead of me during these next four years, or even the rest of my life. The only way that I can make it through this journey is to take it one lesson at a time, and at the end of the day make sure I prepared well enough for the tests that are in store. When I take a step back from my busy days and realize what is in front of me, everything …show more content…

These days went on for four years with one hundred and eighty days in each year. At my high school, there really wasn 't many options for classes that you could take. We took our core classes every year and then senior year was when we could branch off and potentially take a different elective unless you wanted to sacrifice your lunch period in previous years. This taught me one of two things: 1. Just show up and make sure your attendance is accounted for. 2. As long as you can “learn” your lesson for the day of the test you will pass and move on like every student before you has done. What they didn 't mention was that college would be completely different. Obviously you could figure it out on your own because college leads to your career, therefore you must retain the information and be capable of applying it so you can be an effective member of the work …show more content…

We need to stop looking at those around us and taking what we find as differences, but rather seek out what we have in common. Yes, our differences make us unique individuals, but if we develop an eye for seeing similarities we will be capable of building bonds with others as well as change the world by starting with ourselves, in a peaceful way. As Mother Teresa said, “We can do no great things, only small things with great love.” Relating this quote to Thomas’s speech, this is something that I am really starting to try and live by. I 've always imagined that if I want this world to change for the better, I have to have some master scheme as to how to do so. Contrary to my prior beliefs, that is false. If we start with ourselves and then start by one small action a day and then two, three, and so on, we will be able to change the world that way. Claude AnShin Thomas did not directly mention Mother Teresa, but with his lesson that evening, it helped me connect a quote that I heard years

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