Lesson for Children with Learning Disabilities

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Learning disability is a term misused severally. In essence, it applies to students who have different learning challenges. Most people associate learning disability to the development of a child, thus assuming that it is a short-term condition and disappears as the person matures. The accepted definition, provided by the National Adult Literacy and Learning Disability Center states that; learning disability is generic and refers to a composite group of disorders that become evident in the person; through observing that they have challenges in the acquisition and use of speaking, listening, reading, reasoning and execution of mathematical concepts, as well as, understanding social skills. As teachers process the learning procedure in class, they encounter various children with varied challenges, which constitute the learning disorders (Aster & Shalev, 2007). Thus, they have the obligation to accommodate those children in their lesson structure and teaching strategies.

Background information

In the learning structures, the ministry of education continues to draft guidelines in the constitution that define the expectation of the government to the teachers (Muir, 2013). For individuals with disabilities, Education Act states there should be a continuum of placement options that meet the needs of the disabled. The act further states that children with learning disabilities, can and should remain in the same class as those, not disabled; with the creation of separation classes occurring only when the nature of disability or its severity is such that the supplementary learning aids employed in the regular class do not meet the learning requirements of the disabled student satisfactorily. The education ministry expects...

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Cañizares, D. C., Crespo, V. R., & Alemañy, E. G. (2012). Symbolic and non-symbolic number magnitude processing in children with developmental dyscalculia. The Spanish Journal of Psychology, 15(3), 952-66. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1439791245?accountid=458

Ministry of Education, (2005). The Ontario Curriculum Grades 1-8 Mathematics.. http://www.edu.gov.on.ca/eng/curriculum/elementary/math18curr.pdf

Muir, A. (2013). Developing physical literacy in children and youth with a disability. Physical & Health Education Journal,78(4), 44. Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/1399323558?accountid=458

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