Learning Styles in Tom Wayman's Students

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The poem “Students” by Tom Wayman, shows four different learning styles: The Vaccination Theory of Education, The Dipstick Theory of Education, The Easy Listener Theory of Learning, and The Kung Fu Theory of Education. Wayman is a teacher that has noticed that every person devolves into one of these different learning styles. The four different theory of education are used every day even if we do not know.

The Vaccination Theory of Education is when students forget everything after having learned and completed the subject. Experts from Johns Hopkins University, the University of Tennessee and the University of Virginia conducted a study that showed that most students “lose 2 to 2 1/2 months of the math computational skills that they learned during the school year” (Strauss). Students that follow this theory would get great marks when it counts, on test and quizzes, but will forget the subject after completion. And when it is time to apply what they have learned to the real world they fail the real test.

The second learning styles presented in this poem is The Dipstick Theory. Th...

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