Learning Quest-NEO and On Boarding

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New employee orientation can be a daunting process in and of itself. Welcoming a new employee into an organization requires On-boarding, or NEO in each situation. Oftentimes managers spearhead with the HR department in order to recruit employees. The eligibility of employees must be carefully evaluated and a few simple tools can be utilized in order to do this. This paper will describe; NEO and on-board retention, NEO and on-boarding retention practices, outcome with entrepreneurships, and finally program development. Also challenges in relation to NEO and on-boarding will be evaluated as the paper concludes. Exploration Topic: Retention with NEO and On Boarding A well designed onboarding program can help employees feel self-worth, and contribute positively to a company. Having the motivation to help new staff members transition within a company also is needed. Overall, having the means to create an encouraging work environment for all staff members can create lower turnover and high retention rates. This paper will provide an overview of Retention within NEO and On Boarding. Describing what orientation is all about along with staff organization will be addressed. Also reviewed will be retention rates of onboarding in regards to effectiveness of employee encounters. Finally challenges will be touched upon based on bringing new staff on board or utilizing NEO as a means for new hires. Having effective programs to train staff ensures how fast an employee will become productive as well. Exploration Questions The questions to be addressed in this exploration paper include: • What is the New Employee Orientation (NEO) and On-Boarding? • Why should organization utilize these programs? • What are effective, and... ... middle of paper ... ...neurship and information technology towards employee retention: A study of New Zealand firms. Human Resource Management Journal, 23(1), 109-125. doi:10.1111/j.1748-8583.2011.00178.x Klein, H., and WEAVER, N. (2010). The effectiveness of an orientation-level training program in the socialization of new hires. Personnel Psychology, 53 (47–66). Doi: 10.1111/j.1744-6570.2000.tb00193.x Office of Human Improvement. (2013). New employee orientation. Retrieved from http://www.hr.ufl.edu/training/neo/newops.asp Professional Pointers. (2011). Four keys to effective on-boarding. Healthcare Executive, 26(6), 44. EBSCO Host. Tennessee Technical. (2012). Retention Rates. Retrieved from http://www.tntech.edu/ir/retention/ UNC Charlotte. (2013). What is onboarding? Retrieved from http://hr.uncc.edu/sites/hr.uncc.edu/files/onboarding_ppt.pdf

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