Learning Outcomes for a Social Service Worker

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1. Develop and maintain professional relationships which adhere to professional, legal and ethical standards aligned to social work.


Outcomes Knowledge and skills

Required to meet the Outcomes Experience and Resources Required Evidence of


Learning Outcomes

Established and maintain professional boundaries as a social service worker at placement • Build rapport with clients to earn their trust, confidence and respect.

• Display caring and attentive human qualities that make clients feel welcome, safe, comfortable and respected. • Facilitate group and one and one counselling sessions with clients • Feedback from supervisor, clients and other staff members

Learning Outcomes

As a social service worker it is important that you follow the guidelines of the code of ethics when dealing with clients. You should demonstrate appropriate boundaries with clients and protect their privacy. Following these principles will help you as a social service worker to be respected and have a better relationship with clients and others you may be working with. Also, this can pave the way to be recommended for future success in your profession.

2. Integrate social group work and group facilitation skills across a wide range of environments, supporting growth and development of individuals, families, and communities.

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and skills

Required to meet the Outcomes Experience and Resources Required Evidence of


Learning Outcomes

Provide Women’s service program job seekers with relevant employment information, resources and tools to empower them • Facilitate informative sessions for existing participants of the Women’s Services program in order to prepare them for...

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...to promotion of self-care, improved job performance, and enhanced work

Learning Outcomes

Knowledge and skills

Required to meet the Outcomes Experience and Resources Required Evidence of


Learning Outcomes

Recognition of taking care of self first in order to help work effectively with clients and colleagues in the agency. • Manage time properly, eat healthy, exercise regularly and rest.

• Know your limit and recognize when to say no or stop. Focus and think positively • Feedback from clients, staffs and supervisor


To prevent stress, burnout, compassionate fatigue and various traumas, it is imperative that social service worker practise self-care. Taking care of self will allow social service worker to be competent, compassionate, follow ethical guidelines effectively, energize and remain committed in the professional field.

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