Lessons Plans Promoting a Diverse Learning Environment

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With the concept of multicultural education programs becoming more popular, educators are seeking new ways to present diversity into their school community, classrooms, and lesson plans. According to Birkel (2000), multicultural education is, first of all, education concerned with the teaching/learning processes and the acceptance and appreciation of diversity. Culturally relevant teaching practices give students the opportunity to learn in ways that are affirming, validating, and connected to their interests and backgrounds (Ladson-Billings, 1994). Effective lesson plans need to be designed objectively with consideration to all learners and their various differences.

Educators that have developed an appreciation for diversity will approach teaching with lessons that consider such differences as race, gender, social and economic status, languages, and disabilities. Furthermore, school leaders that understand the importance of multicultural education realize its effects on the learning outcome for all students. It is the school’s responsibility to develop an understanding of each learner and to base teaching and learning experiences on reliable and objective information (Manning & Baruth, 2009).

Classroom material and school wide activities that are nondiscriminatory will help students have a better understanding of the individual differences in each other. Furthermore, multicultural education can provide students with a stronger sense of acceptance within the school community; promoting better self- esteem and higher achievement throughout their school years. Richards, Brown, & Forde (2007) point out that culturally responsive pedagogy recognizes and utilizes the students' culture and language in instruction, an...

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... again checking their participation during the collaborated collage activity. 25% of the total grade will be given based on their group activity and oral presentation. And finally, 50% of their grade will be based on the quality and understanding of concepts that were shared in their written homework assignment.

Works Cited

Birkel, L. F. (2000). Multicultural education: It is education first of all. Teacher Educator, 36(1), 23-28.

Ladson-Billings, G. (1994). The dreamkeepers: Successful teachers of African American children. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

Manning, L. & Baruth. L. (2009). Multicultural education of children and adolescents (5th Ed.). Needham Heights, MA: Allyn and Bacon.

Richards, H. V., Brown, A. F., & Forde, T. B. (2007). Addressing diversity in schools: Culturally responsive pedagogy. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 39(3), 64-68.

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