Lealter In Lorraine Hansberry's A Raisin In The Sun

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The personality of an individual and many other aspects of their life are integrated into their lifestyle as they grew up under the guidance of their parents. Some say that a person is born twice; once under the wings and guidance of their parents, and again when they themselves have children. In a lot of cases it is an arduous adventure, being a parent and in many ways, life changing. The difficulties that come to a parent or parents do not only arrive from the direct disturbances the offspring creates, but also knowing the fact that the way in which they act, punish, and teach will forever affect the life of that child. There are a variety of different outcomes from which the parent has had much effect on the child, some are simple as “like …show more content…

One of my best friends that I spent a lot of my childhood with, grew up in a much smaller house to parents, who did not earn make very much money. Aside from having the same name, my friend’s father shared a lot of similarities to Walter in A Raisin in the Sun, written by Lorraine Hansberry. Both of them also looked at investing in something and having a large outcome from it. “No—but after tonight. After what your daddy gonna do tonight, there’s going to be offices—a whole lot of offices”(Hanseberry108). This is similar to the father of my friend because both he and Walter, who was speaking in the quote, had big ideas and plans on something they probably did not know a whole lot about and eventually after little to no success both of these men have less money to work with. It shows a lot when a person grows up in a house with less money because they are more likely to hold tighter to what they have and less likely to be careless about purchases and unimportant wants. My friend is one that will always be seen taking care of what he has because that is something valuable that was taught to him indirectly by his parents. This is a little different from my family because all too often I notice that my brother does not take care of his personal things and ends up spending more money on new things that he would not need if he knew smarter in that

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