Situational Leadership Essay

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Leadership is the ability to persuade and guide others for building and attaining the common goal (Gregoire & Arendt, 2014). Proper direction and control over the activities are basic necessity to achieve the target. Walshe, Kieran & Smith (2011) suggested that there are many intricate strands has involved in health which makes the leadership endeavour complex. Healthcare organizations are struggling with financial problems, consumer demands, safety & quality of healthcare etc. Al- Sawai (2013) suggested that while designing a management structure. There is voluminous literature on leadership theories available. With the time, old theories have been rejected and new theories has been accepted. Analysis of three leadership theories have been given here. According to the Skog et al (2012), situational leadership is the model where leader adapt himself according to the ability of the follower. Situational leadership is the most accurate and flexible approach foe the leaders who work in the diversity of population. It is the best model in terms of assessing the performance of the team in relation of acuity changes. The best thing is that situational leadership consider organisational context into account. Leaders work in different …show more content…

This cannot be applicable to higher level of people. Another drawback is that this theory is not applicable when higher level of thinking skills are needed. However, the team members are totally dependent on the leader, they cannot work independently. According to Doody & Doody (2012), transformational leadership is the most adaptive and flexible which is required importantly in 21st century. In this leaders and team members shared the same goal by sharing their ideas and by working together effectively. This is focussing and encouraging type of leadership which positively work to improve the productivity of any

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