Leadership Style In My Organization

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Leadership Style in My Organization
There are many leadership styles employed by various leaders in different organizations. The type of leadership style used in any given setting depends on the type of organization, leadership qualities of the leader and the nature of work within the organization (Bonnici and Cooper, 2011). Autocratic leadership style is suited for organizations where democracy is not required such as the armed forces. Participative leadership style is used mostly in organizations that depend on team work to accomplish various functions. Delegative leadership style is used in organizations with highly skilled employees. The CEO of the organization I once worked for used participative leadership style. The CEO used to involve employees from different departments in decision-making. Although the leader had the final say in any decision made, many employees contributed to those decisions. In this leadership style, the …show more content…

The expectancy theory by Victor Vroom asserts that the motivation of employees can be achieved by considering their expectations. Different people have different motivating factors such as job promotion and recognition or monetary rewards (Beck, 2004). Therefore, organizational leaders must reward employees according to their expectations for the reward to be motivating. Another motivation theory was advanced by Frederick Hertzberg. His theory was called Hygiene/motivation theory. According to this theory, there are two types of factors that either motivate or de-motivate employees (Beck, 2004). Hygiene factors needs are those that relate to the work environment such as safe working environment while motivator needs are those that result from the performance of the job itself, e.g., responsibility and advancement. From these two theories, it is clear that employees can be motivated through several

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