Leadership Style

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1. Introduction

1.1 Background

21st-century organizations are different, and the pace of change is even faster. This has given rise to new ideas about where leaders need to put their energies. Perhaps this means less vision and more connectivity (Esther and Mike 2004). Today, organizations are in a continuous process of transformation. Change became the norm of organizations not an exception. If organization is traveling on the rout of success then its possible destinations are change management, adoption of new technologies and phenomenon (Joachim and Ralf 2008).

Today the key challenges are advancements in technology, pace of competition, globalization, cost control and increasing efficiency regarding customers’ expectations. This means that organizations have to continuously analyze and adjust with new changes to survive. Old traditional fixed responsibilities and patterns are not workable now (Sarah and Steve).

Technological development is impacting the business landscape by providing new ways and opportunities to conduct business. In the last decade e-commerce has especially created new possibilities to change ways of doing businesses or create new business models. In such a changing environment the role of the leader is becoming vital (Ada 2006).There is no doubt in importance of e-commerce in this new era .It became the necessity of organizations and even competitive advantage. In near future it will be difficult to survive without adoption of e-commerce.

If we analyze and observe the success stories of organizations and nations we will find that vision of future and identifying the new challenges are the key elements. This is responsibility of leadership. It is interesting to know what the difference between succes...

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