Law and Order in London in the late 19th Century

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Law and Order in London in the late 19th Century

Law order in the centaury was only a part of London’s problems. London

main problem was it self and it was mainly the Whitechapel area due to

it being a dark and stingy place, especially at night where

prostitution happened theft. Street fights and many more. Arthur

Morrison sums up the area of Whitechapel of being “an evil plexus of

slums that hide human creeping things, where filthy men and women live

on penn’orths of gin, where collars and clean shirts are decencies

unknown, where every citizen wears a black eye and none ever combs his

hair”. London also had the problem of protest groups (such as the

chartists, the laddits, and anti cam law league) this was a growing

problem because most protests ended up in bloody riots. Every time

this happened the army was caused out but sometimes it was too late.

The late 19th centaury also had a huge range of development of the

police. The development of the police went through up’s and down but

gradually got there. The thirst kind of police force was the night

watchmen. The night watchmen were employed by Hennery Moore who

basically had the job of walking up and down making shore the streets

were calm and if any crime was committed to see that person was

caught. But the night watchmen had there illustrations and problems

many of them weren’t in no fit state work often drunk they couldn’t

watch the streets and if an major riot broke out they couldn’t’

prevent it or stop it but after the night watchmen proved to the

government that a regular police force should be set up. Once the

government realised something had to be done they set up the met

(metropolitan police force) in 1829 and had 3,200 men and along with

17 diversions 4inspectors and 144 constables. The met covered a 7 mile

area from the centre of London. Also the met were later known as

Bobbies or peelers. They to like the night watchmen wore a uniform

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