Law Enforcement Evolution Analysis

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Law enforcement is currently one of the largest, growing careers. Technology and new equipment has made our law enforcement much more efficient in budget and in work. Being prepared with the right knowledge to having the equipment necessary for a dangerous situation is the best chance of changing a dangerous situation to a safer situation. New equipment and technology a never ending cycle in law enforcement (Chief Ron Miller From Topeka Police Department in Kansas). An example of new equipment and Technology is Chief Ron Millers Harley Davidson patrol Motorcycle. His motorcycle is as any other bike with two wheels; but has been installed with system lights such as LED to new upgraded radio systems. New technology and equipment, not only benefits objects but the officer as well as his uniform. Chief Ron Miller of Topeka Police department in Kansas, wears a uniform with new installed video recording cameras in his helmet to new bulletproof vest to a powerful stun gun attached to his waist. New equipment and technology not only benefits the persecution of a criminal but it also keeps our law enforcement safer.

Law Enforcement Evolution has new equipment and new technology that helped improve the jobs of many officers. Police departments now have new equipment such as, head mounted cameras, new body armor’s, and new kit for checkpoints. Some new technology for a police patrol car is smart radios. Police departments now have the ability to get police reports done through the Internet, and their web page, along with new Automated license plate recognition systems. This evolution will become so much more helpful for police departments. (Equipment and Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Jan. 2014.)

New equipment and technology has alway...

... middle of paper ... mount more accessories for the weapon. (MSALSEDA. "SI AK TRAX." LA Police Gear Blog. LA Police Gear, 1 Jan. 2014. Web. 11 Jan. 2014.)

Law Enforcement has benefited from all sorts of new equipment. This new technology has made the jobs for police departments easier and more efficient and also safer while doing the job. It is clear that technology will never stop evolving itself, especially in law enforcement. I believe that later on in the future, technology will help law enforcement rebuild and stop violence in criminal areas such as Newark, New Jersey.

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