Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House Books

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Comparing Laura Ingalls Wilder's Little House Books and the Television Series Little House on the Prairie

The themes of Laura Ingalls Wilder's books are repeated in the television series Little House on the Prairie. Specific events in the television series aren't the same and don't happen in the same order as in the books. Big events, such as when the family moves, happen in both and are at similar times. The Ingalls family of Pa, Ma, Mary, Laura, and Carrie is the same in both. Themes of hard work, honesty, obedience, and their way of life are repeated in both the Little House television series and the Little House books.

Hard work is shown all throughout the television and book series. Pa always has some job to do. In the fall and winter he hunts throughout the woods. "Pa might hunt alone all day in the bitter cold..." (5). In the spring and summer he plants the crops and harvests. He takes care of the farm animals and works from dawn to sunset everyday. Ma cooks, cleans, and sews. She cooks the meat and vegetables for their meals everyday. She cans produce and...

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