Large Constitutional Republican System

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As James Madison defined, a faction is “A number of citizens, whether amounting to a majority or a minority of the whole, who are united and actuated by some common impulse of passion, or interest, adverse to the rights of other citizens, or to the permanent and aggregate interests of the community.” (Federalist. 10, page 43)

If we look at the world throughout the history we see that there have been always efforts by factions to get power and authority. According to Madison’s definition, factions occur because of differences in opinions and interests among people. People with the same interests tend to have ties with one another. These ties form groups. Then forming groups based on similar interests leads to factions. James Madison states, as long as there are different interests within any society factions are predicted and inevitable. Factions tend to protect and maintain those interests for the sake of some specific groups.

As the United States of America declared its independence in 1776, soon James Madison realized the thread of factions and acknowledged that factions are likely expected. However the United States of America was newly separated and it became a sovereign country, it could make it and stood on its feet. Madison says that the goal or the aim of any faction is to accomplish the ends of that faction. The founders of the American government believed that factions were dangerous because they could influence the legislator’s decisions. These factions try to have an influence on the constitution and on laws. They say that legislators may or will pass bills and laws in their own interests or in their faction’s interests. Due to all these facts I believe that there should be a large constitutional republ...

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...h to protect the nation and preserve their rights. A good government can normalize and regulate people’s actions and put everything in order. Governments have different ends and different approaches. Good governments tend to serve public interests while bad governments serve only private interests. Madison’s solution is the best one to prevent people from the faction problem. It is better to have a strong constitutional republic so that people can have an equal say and equal representation. Faction is not only a problem in the democratic systems or in large republics as Madison states. It is also a problem in other regimes like totalitarians or authoritarians systems. Sometimes a small group of people come together and they form a ruling faction. They violate the majority and their rights. Iraq was good example in minority ruling for a long time.

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