Lady Macbeth Soliloquy Analysis

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In act 1 scene 5 Lady Macbeth sees the perfect opportunity to make her husband king from a letter she has read about him becoming ‘Thane of Cawdor’. Lady Macbeth doubts him; her husband “is too full o' th' milk of human kindness ”implying that he is too kind-hearted to do such things. Lady Macbeth’s motivation and feminine wiles will help influence Macbeth to seize the throne. At this point we read her character as single-minded. Lady Macbeth has no desire to be typically womanly as she calls out for “spirits that tend on mortal thoughts, unsex me here and fill me from crown to toe top full of direst cruelty” this soliloquy uses a semantic field of evil “knife wound” “cruelty”, we can portray that Lady Macbeth wants to feel remorseless, she

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