Lab Report On Agglutination In Antibodies

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A simple experiment can be performed to see what animal and species the blood from the scene is from. In order to determine if the blood was from a human or a rabbit, blood from both species needs to be obtained. Depending on if you are able to obtain a sample of blood from the human who was shot, it would make this experiment much more accurate. Once the blood from these species is collected antibodies need to be eluted from each sample. The antibodies are eluted already from the unknown sample of blood that was collected on the scene, so the next step can take place. Antigen-antibody interactions cause agglutination if the proper antibody is produced for a particular antigen. Agglutination is when the antibody binds the antigen, and this …show more content…

On the agarose plate, there should be a visible chalky white line. This line can vary depending on how the unknown sample interacted with the purified antibodies of the known. If there is a clean semicircular line that has no delineations at any of the wells then that means the unknown antibodies acted as an antigen. The smooth line tells us that all the antibodies interacted with the antigen equally and they would all be from the same species; this hopefully would not be the case. If the white chalky line is not smooth and extends more towards the human antibody wells, this means the unknown was a stronger antigen to the human antibodies than the rabbit antibodies making it not human blood at the scene. If the line is extended more at the rabbit antibodies or angles towards them, this signifies greater rabbit antibody interaction. This shows that the blood from the scene would not be rabbit blood because it caused the antibodies to be recognized as an antigen to the rabbit’s antibodies. These antibodies of the two species would then be classified as xenogeneic because the rabbit or human antibodies acted as an antigen to either of the known samples. Rabbit and human are not close in species, so that is why xenogeneicity can be concluded if these were the results. Given these two circumstances, a conclusion can be made what type of blood was found at the scene in the park. This experiment is not instantaneous for results, but I believe it is a quick way to determine what species the unknown sample of blood is from. Different experiments could follow up to get a more accurate account determining what species the antibodies came from. All in all, the Outchterlony Double Diffusion experiment is a quick easy way to determine the species from the blood found at the scene in the

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