Knowledge Is Power In The Great Gatsby

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The light bulb is the way we see in the dark, the way we find our way, the way we know when to go at a stoplight. How did Thomas Edison achieve this invention? Knowledge. Knowledge of electricity and the needs of those around him. In The Great Gatsby, Daisy Buchanan claims that she wants her daughter to be “a beautiful little fool.” In other words Daisy is saying that ignorance is bliss. Some others believe that knowledge is power. The advancement from candles to light bulbs changed the culture entirely. People could easily do the work they needed to after sunset, and it even led to more inventions. We need knowledge to advance, and for this reason powerful knowledge is more valid than blissful ignorance. First, knowledge helps us make good …show more content…

In a job interview, the employer is almost always looking for knowledge and experience. This desired employee is stereotypically better at time management, finding solutions, and __. Also, knowledge is associated with education. Therefore, someone who did not attend college has a slimmer shot at obtaining a working position than someone who did attend college. Those with immense knowledge are highly respected, and they are most likely to earn more money than those who are considered ignorant. Knowledge brings more opportunities, success, and money. Knowledge brings success in relationships as well. In a marriage, if a husband knows his wife well, and vice versa, their marriage will prosper. Knowing more about someone creates a deeper relationship with that person. He knows her deepest struggle; she knows his deepest fear. Compare this relationship to a flower. A flower is beautiful and strong on the outside, but why? It has roots that are deep and intertwined with the soil and nutrients underneath. Just like a flower is strong and beautiful because it is connected to its roots, the married couple are connected in a deep relationship because of their knowledge of each other. This strong relationship brings power to every aspect of their

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