King George Washington's Three Grievances

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Contemporary American Politics is primarily Democratic and Republican, but go back a few centuries and examine the remarkable similarities. The Federalist era lasted from 1789-1801; this period accomplished the adoption of a constitution and expansion of a strong central government. Before those achievements we saw The American Revolution resulting in the signing of Declaration of independence in 1776. This legal document listed King George’s III grievances, and its official separation from British rule. Although that was the legal aspect of the document it created many important principles we value today. Many of which are echoed within these words said by Thomas Jefferson in the Declaration of Independence "We hold these truths to be self-evident, …show more content…

The document was a “product of many compromises, and did not precisely fit anyone’s previous ideas” (Oakes). One compromise was amendments, which called for constitutional protection known as the Bill of Rights. George Washington’s Farewell address of 1796 expressed his knowledge on the two groups, and beyond. Washington addresses two major concerns “regarding alliances—both international and domestic. Washington felt that no alliance should be permanent, but rather limited to “extraordinary emergencies” and then only temporary” (Aboukhadijeh). The tone Washington exhibits to the public is that of neutrality on an international level. In his address public to see the bigger issue “The alternate domination of one faction over another, sharpened by the spirit of revenge, natural to party dissension, which in different ages and countries has perpetrated the most horrid enormities, is itself a frightful despotism. But this leads to … absolute power of an individual; and sooner or later the chief of some prevailing faction, more able or more fortunate than his competitors, turns this disposition to the purposes of his own elevation, on the ruins of public liberty” (Washington). He was really concerned about these two factions he knew that eventually this could lead to an America in ruins. Washington really wanted the public to know what lies ahead if these two groups …show more content…

The Federalists led by Alexander Hamilton who also happened to be the Treasury secretary had many plans for the group that included formulating an economic structure. The Federalist Papers mostly written by Alexander Hamilton and James Madison were documents that give reasons to why we should have a strong central government. Hamilton’s first proposal was “The First Report on the Public Credit” which would make the federal government pay off about 21.5 million dollars of the colonies debt according to Aboukhadijeh. Another thing Hamilton wanted was a National Bank “Hamilton believed that a national bank was necessary to implement the Constitution’s decree that the government collect taxes, pay debts, and regulate trade” (Aboukhadijeh) these were the basic ideas that Hamilton and the federalist wanted to happen. When it comes to foreign policy there was disagreements about the Franco-American Alliance of 1778, which meant the United States would provide aid to France if requested. When France required aid it was against the British the federalists decided to suspend the alliance. The federalist’s primary goal was Hamilton’s “to maintain a peaceful relationship with Britain to ensure continued trade to support the American economy” (Aboukhadijeh). The Federalists wanted to avoid war and be as neutral as possible focusing on what’s at home. The main ideas implemented by

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