Kfc's Product And Quality Management

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1.0 Introduction
Nowadays, service managers are likely to face many challenges while attempt to manage quality that need to meet the customers’ expectation and perception due to the competitive issues.
As defined by Juran - “Quality means those characteristics of the products or service can achieve customers’ requirement and expectation.” It will be related to the income of customers because usually the high quality products are costly. Organizations always need to invest more to get better quality products or services that able to achieve greater customer satisfactions. Therefore, quality plays an important role in business environment. However, we need services manager and production manager to run a successful business that are profitable and able to satisfy customer satisfactions.
In this OQM report, I had chosen the fast food restaurantKFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) as the main industry. As we know, KFC is one of the world largest fast food chains and they franchise their famous original recipe friend chicken. They have faced lots of issues in their restaurant such as quality issues, services issues and management problems. I will be evaluating the challenges faced by KFC’s service manager compared to the chicken suppliers’ production manager.

2.0 Body
2.1 Service VS Product
Service is the action that helping or serving something for someone. In quality management, service is totally different from products, it is hard to identify by the product. According to Kelemen(2003), service generally is intangible, heterogeneous, perishable and less controllable.
Besides that, product is an item that sells to consumer. It can be characterized as tangible, storable, standardized, physically enduring and consumed after their produ...

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...ol their product quality. As an example, KFC customers will complaint to service manager when they are unsatisfied with their product so service manager has to pacify those customers.

3.0 Conclusion
As a conclusion, challenges faced by service manager are higher than production manager when attempting to manage quality. The challenges that faced by service manager including the tangibility of service, reliability of service, responsiveness of service, the gap of customers' expectation and perception, and the attitude of employees that faced by service manager.
Even KFC is a profitable and successful franchise business, but they still need to continuously improve their product quality and service quality to enhance their reputation and increase the loyalty of customer. So, service manager need to do the best service to meet customer’s satisfaction and expectation.

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