Key Facets

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Hart (2002) explains, wholeness is one of the foundational concepts cited by Indigenous people. In order for one to find wholeness and harmony, they must find balance between four key facets. These facets are heart, mind, body and spirit and they are all interconnected. When one is being disrupted all other facets are affected (Stevens, N., Indigenous Perspectives, October 3, 2017). Currently, I believe my search for balance is only beginning. I have recognized certain facets must be given more time and care, while other facets are strong. However, it may be possible that my desire to keep some facets strong are negatively affecting other facets.

At this time, I believe my mind is strong. This is being achieved through my education. I have been given the opportunity to work towards my Bachelor of Social Work. This opportunity has allowed me to gain knowledge about different …show more content…

I have recognized, when I have ‘me time’ my body is strong because I take time to make healthy meals and exercise. Currently, I have recognized my body is an aspect of life being ignored due to a busy schedule and a focus on mind. I would like to make time to meal prep and exercise. This is not to better my image, but to feel healthy and energetic. In turn, when my body is ignored, my mind, spirit and heart are affected as my stress levels increase and my energy levels decrease.

I believe my spirit is strong. I do not hold a belief in a higher power, although I continue to believe my spirit has been placed in this world for a reason and I am consistently seeking that reason. Whether it be in my future as a social worker, or as a future mother and wife. Also, I am always seeking to better my spirit by trying new hobbies, meeting new people and enjoy moments with family and friends. I constantly strive to hold a kind, warm and caring spirit in order to be that person others seek when they are in need of support or someone to talk

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