Kant's Three Principles Of The Importance Of A Civil Constitution

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First of all, Kant talks about the importance of a civil constitution because of the opportunity to unite into a society. He agrees that other social contracts have a great deal in common with others. However, he states one important difference and that is that this social contract is an end in itself. It is the first duty of every citizen in a commonwealth and without a commonwealth cannot work. Kant describes a civil constitution as “a relation of free human beings who are nevertheless subject to coercive laws.” Everyone wants to be happy, however, not anyone can be happy while all others are happy. To create a society where as many people as possible can be happy Kant gives three principles. These are freedom, equality, and independence. In the first half of this essay these three principles will be discussed. Thereafter, it will be discussed what rights subjects have when these rights are violated.

The first principle is the principle of freedom. This can be described as that nobody can coerce anyone to be happy in his way. Everyone can do what he thinks is good for him as long as you do not harm the right others have to do the same. To create a …show more content…

He stresses the importance of voting because the general will of the people can only arise when people vote and this will create the basic law. However, it looks as if Kant is talking about universal voting rights. He singles out three groups that can not vote: children, women and non-property owners. For the first two of these groups, he thinks it seems unnatural for them to vote. The third group he explains by saying that one should be its own master and therefore should own property. In this way he would serve nobody else other than the commonwealth. After that, Kant talks about the right of every property owner to have just one vote , even when an enormous amount of property is owned by one

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