Ethics And The Golden Rule, By Emmanuel Kant

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Emmanuel Kant (hereinafter “Kant”) believes that Ethics is categorical and states that our moral duties are not dependent on feelings but on reason (Pojman and Vaughn 239). According to Kant, there is one good thing that comes without qualification – a good will. Any other act done as only being good with qualification, and only a good will is worthy of happiness. A good will is done because it is one’s duty, not someone just doing a duty. The expected consequences of an act of good will are morally neutral, and therefore irrelevant to moral discussion. The only objective basis for moral value would be the rationality of the good will, expressed in recognition of moral duty. Kant believes that our moral duties are unconditional, universally …show more content…

The Golden Rule is directed more at a personal level, and Kant 's formulation is directed more on applying reason and action, not consequences or feelings. With Kant 's formulation he believes that when a person is deciding to do something that is right or wrong, that person needs to evaluate the situation and decide what would happen if everyone in the same situation acted the same …show more content…

Kant would say that people need to have reason for an act they commit and should be able to justify it. His theory is that you cannot make a decision based on your personal feelings or rationalize a situation because that is how you would do it so therefore that is how it should be done. Kant would go on to say that a person should not feel obligated to return an act of kindness to someone, and that people should avoid showing goodwill to others so that the other people will not show goodwill in return. There are so many people around us that follow Kant’s thinking process. It’s hard to not want to agree with him, but on the other hand it’s hard to agree with him. I think that everyone does a little of

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