Juvenile Facilities Impact On Teenagers

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Juvenile Facilities’ impact on teenagers The United States has long suffered from a broken criminal justice system, there is an estimate of about 2.2 million people in the American criminal justice system, including a shocking number of 30,000 juveniles incarcerated. More and more kids are being put in juvenile retention centers even though, “we have to recognize that incarceration of youth per se is toxic.” (Mendel 4) There are roughly 25,000 youth held in detention centers daily, awaiting their court trials alone, yet the national count of youth under correctional law in the US is 60,500. American’s reliance on juvenile incarceration is “unique among the world’s developed nations.” (Mendel 2) No other country relies so heavily on juvenile incarceration to keep their youth from committing crimes. (Mendel 2) Apart from the large amount of youth in these centers, two of every five teenagers are African American, and a fifth of these teenagers are Hispanic. (Mendel 2) Although non-Hispanic white make up three-fifths of the total youth population, only 37 percent are white in these detention centers. (Mendel 2) In the United States the youth incarceration rate is 5 times higher than the next country with the most incarcerations 69 of every 100,000, compared to the US 336 of every 100,000. There is serious threat to the juvenile system in the United States. Not only are there many young people in detention centers, these kids are not getting the attention they need. Juvenile and other federal correction centers have failed to provide safety and mental well-being for these kids, they have also failed in helping these kids get in a better position in life, which shows how ineffective these retention centers are for confined youth, and... ... middle of paper ... ...duating high school by the age 19” (Mendel 12). These facilities work with more than 60,000 kids, yet rearrests rates are still at the same level since previous decades. Kids are still dropping out of school after being in these facilities. Kids who were once boys and girls grow up into adults, and these facilities failed to have a positive impact in their lives, which leads to incarcerating even more people. Youth correctional facilities have proven to be inefficient because of the lack of safety they provide to adolescents and staff, as well for demonstrating how damaging these centers can be to young teenagers by making them more prone in becoming offenders in the future. The last reasoning as to why Juvenile retention system should be changed and revised, is because it is inadequate for many kids in there and fails to provide for some of these kids necessities.

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