Justice System: Powerful Deterrent Programs

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When discussing how deterrence works at the environmental level, you first must know what deterrence is. At thefreedictonary.com the site says deterrence
“Discourages members of society from committing criminal acts out of fear of punishment. The most powerful deterrent program would be a criminal justice system that guaranteed with certainty that all persons who broke the law would be apprehended, convicted, and punished, and would receive no personal benefit from their wrongdoing.” (TheFreeDictionary.com.)
Putting the definition into a more simple form, a person or company who breaks the will have to pay the consequence set forth in the law. For example, the law of murdering someone comes with a hefty prison sentence, the prison sentence is the part that deters someone from murdering someone or there could be a lot more murders in the world. Now let’s bring that around to the environmental aspect of the discussion. Is the reason why most companies follow the law set forth because they want to be green and protect the environment or do just not want to face the consequences of paying the fines and cleanup costs that follow when a company’s breaks an environmental law. With most of those companies it is probably the later, but some companies do follow environmental laws because they think it is the right thing to do.
In order to federal and state agencies to enforce deterrence of environmental laws and statutes they had to write consequences into the law so companies and individuals would know the fines and consequences of breaking that law. For example, the Clean Water Act has different severities of punishment classified as negligent, knowing, or knowing engagement. Negligent person could come with a $37,500 per day fine a n...

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RCRA ENFORCEMENT AND COMPLIANCE. (n.d.). EPA. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from http://www.epa.gov/osw/inforesources/pubs/training/enforc.txt deterrence playV2('en/US/df/dfdfdsssdtsssyd5sdd5dnh5h5');playV2('en/UK/df/dfdfdsssdtsssyd5sdd5dnh5h5'). (n.d.). TheFreeDictionary.com. Retrieved March 30, 2014, from http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/deterrence
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