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Understand performance management
Motivating Employees ✽ CHAPTER 12
Understand performance management
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Stewart does an excellent job using the guiding principles of performance management. She utilizes all of them to coach and teach her team. She is very specific with her team. Being specific is using precise examples of what she is coaching her team with (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p.242). She uses specific examples of her coaching methods by telling people that they did an excellent job by being very specific and detailed. She also uses measurable guidelines to teach her employees. To obtain goal oriented management, the goals need to be specific and understood. “A measurement device is needed to assess the extent to which a goal is accomplished” (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p.242). Stewart uses specific measurable goals to coach her team. She …show more content…
She utilizes employee engagement to motivate the employees in her company’s restaurants. She takes the time to go behind the counter and engage with the employees that are doing the work. She takes herself to the level of the employees on the floor generating the money. She does not do what most managers do and just go straight to the manager of the store and not engage with the employees. Julia sets a standard for herself and the employees of the restaurant. She uses verbal awards for employees that are doing an excellent job. She utilized the opportunity to reward a cook for building a taco to the desired outcome (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p.262). Julia utilizes an extrinsic rewards system. The above example of the taco being made is how she takes the opportunity to praise the employee for a job well done. Julia uses extrinsic rewards such as praise, recognition, and noncash awards to exemplify her team (Kreitner & Kinicki, 2013, p.255). “Intrinsic motivation has shown to predict a variety of desirable outcomes, such as the quality of outputs, productivity, academic performance, task persistence, health, and well-being” (Murayama, Kitangmai, Tanaka, & Raw, 2016, p.138). Getting people interested in something will get them to pursue more. Striking an individual’s curiosity will help to per sway the outcome and drive toward the desired results of the organization. Utilizing extrinsic rewards will help further the engagement of the team. Julia utilizes extrinsic rewards to motivate her team. Utilizing extrinsic rewards will influence and individual’s intrinsic motivation (Murayama, Kitangmai, Tanaka, & Raw, 2016, p.138). Julia has exemplified the extrinsic rewards program in her daily management skills. Psychological experiments revealed that utilizing extrinsic rewards, especially performance incentives will open an individual’s intrinsic motivation (Murayama, Kitangmai, Tanaka, & Raw, 2016, p.139). As
The goals and objectives that we plan to set will be measurable and obtainable. I would like for the goals and objectives to be measurable so in the evaluation phase I can evaluate Marcels progress and to see if the goals that we have set are being reached.
Intrinsic and extrinsic types of motivation have been widely studied and the understanding of each has led to great changes in how organizations run their businesses. It is clear that hourly employees have many great extrinsic motivators but lack intrinsic motivation in their job assignments which is a characteristic of our work culture. Changing the culture is one of the keys to improving motivation at that level of the organization because the best motivation occurs when employees perform because they want to and not because they are being made to do so.
Intrinsic motivation has several advantages over extrinsic motivation. First of all, intrinsically motivated learners are more likely to select challenging tasks. Second, evidence suggested that learners gain more knowledge when they read material that they consider intrinsically interesting. Third, the conditions that support intrinsic motivation also promote greater creativity and better conceptual learning. Fourth, intrinsic motivation is associated with greater pleasure and more active involvement in activities.” (p.
All extrinsic rewards come from the outside of an individual, but the rewards vary in types. Kendra Cherry (2015) found “motivation can come from the outside, such as the motivation to win medals, receive financial rewards, and attract attention from the media” (p.1). The most common type of extrinsic incentive is financial, such as a salary increase or additional bonus. Some extrinsic rewards can be benefits or materials such as insurance or company vehicles. Also, an intangible extrinsic reward can have paid time off benefits. Some managers may reward an employee with social rewards such as prestige (status), recognition, or positive feedback. Other possible extrinsic rewards given to an employee consist of finer offices or marked parking spots. Although, the implementation of extrinsic rewards has its direct positive results, it contains some negatives as well. Ingram (2015) further explains, “Extrinsically motivated employees require closer supervision to keep their performance high, allowing managers to closely watch and guide employees while they work” (2). While one individual employee might not be bothered by the implementation of close supervision by their supervisor, a dissimilar employee might be. Other issues pertaining to drive extrinsic motivation include cost, short-term results, and experiencing a burn out. The cost of rewarding an employee with
Falcone, P. (2012). 2600 Phrases for Setting Effective Performance Goals: Ready-to-use Phrases That Really Get Results. New York: American Management Association.
Reward and recognition has to be promoted for small and large achievements. An effective reward’s program keeps employees engaged, dedicated, and committed to the organization.
Once stated by Dwight D. Eisenhower, “Motivation is the art of getting people to do what you want them to do because they want to do it.” The aforementioned ideology places an emphasis on an individual’s internal desires, rather than an outside/external force driving the individual’s consciousness (cognitive evaluation.) Therefore intrinsic motivation is one in which an individual 's own desire comes from within; a relentless and genuine passion for an intended goal. On the contrary, when an individual relies on external factors such as, a reward or any other form of external reinforcement, an extrinsic motivation is exhibited. Although society likes to stress the importance in pursuing an internal motivation, in today 's modern world, an extrinsic factor far outweighs an internal desire to accomplish an objective. As humans, we are too diverse in the way we think and develop, lending the mere classification of an internal motivation to become redundant. Furthermore, as
Coaching is not an easy task and figuring out the best way to lead and guide employees can be overwhelming and challenging. Alex is now in a position where she has to be a motivator, leader, and a coach to several employees. She needs to understand the concept of coaching and the behaviors that go along with her coaching style. The concept of coaching helps develop and grow employees to achieve performance improvement, but it also helps the managers see how the employees embrace their job tasks and asses their results in comparison to the overall mission of the company (Bawany, 2015). Therefore, Alex needs to look back at her previous managers and determine what qualities and behaviors they possessed in order to improve her performance. Also, she must look at what personality traits James has and look at his previous managers to see which manager coached James to perform the best while working for the company.
“Motivation is the process whereby goal-orientated activity is instigated and sustained” (Schunk, Pintrich & Meece, 2008. As cited in Eggen & Kauchak, 2010, p.284). Motivation comes in many forms and can be divided into two broad categories - extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivators are external factors which can motivate a student; rewards are an example of this. An issue with extrinsic motivators is that the desire for the learner to participate often lessens, once the rewards are withdrawn (McCullers, 1987). On the other hand intrinsic motivation comes from within - learning for the joy of it - where the desire to learn leads to a higher level of knowledge, and is a reward in itself. Kohn (1996, p.285) states that research suggests, “Rewards actually decrease interest in intrinsically motivating tasks, therefore sending the wrong message about learning” (as cited in Eggen & Kauchak, 2010a)
A number of motivational theories explain how rewards affect the behavior of individuals and teams. Performance related pay can have a motivational effect. Employees are motivated to increase prod...
Research has shown that motivation in an employee is an important factor which determines his performance. Motivation is the “driving force within individuals” (Mullins, 2007, p. 285). It is the concerned with finding out the reasons which shape and direct the behaviour of the individuals. The people act to achieve something so that they can satisfy some needs (Gitman and Daniel, 2008). It is important for the manager to understand this motivation of individual employees in order to inspire them and devise an appropriate set of incentives and rewards which would satisfy the needs that they have individually (Kerr, 2003). Once these needs are expected to be met in return for some specific behaviour or action, they would work more diligently to have that behaviour in them and to achieve that objective (Meyer and Hersovitch, 2001). Since it would lead to early and fuller achievement of the company objectives as the individual would work more diligently, it would lead to better organizational performance (Wiley, 1997).
Performance management is a great tool for both the employee as well as the organization. For the employee, it gives the employee a clear picture of his areas of improvement and helps him improve and grow. From the organization’s perspective, it lets them understand the potential they have in their employees and how to realize them. It helps them to analyze who are worthy of being held onto and whom to let go so that the organization grows. In all, an effective tool, if used in the correct manner by all the parties involved.
In daily life, we need motivation to improve our performance in our job or in studies. Motivation is an internal force, dependent on the needs that drive a person to achieve. In the other words, motivation is a consequence of expectations of the future while satisfaction is a consequence of past events (Carr, 2005). We need to give reward to our self when we did correctly or we has achieve our target. Reward is something that we are given because we have behaved well, worked hard, or provided a service to the community. Theories of motivation can be used to explain the behavior and attitude of employees (Rowley, 1996; Weaver, 1998). The theories include content theories, based on assumptions that people have individual needs, which motivate their action. Meanwhile according to Robbins (2001), motivation is a needs-satisfying process, which means that when a person's needs are satisfied by certain factors, the person will exert superior effort toward attaining organizational goals. Schulze and Steyn (2003) affirmed that in order to understand people’s behavior at work, managers or supervisors must be aware of the concept of needs or motives which will help “move” their employees to act.Theories such as Maslow (1954), McClelland (1961), Herzberg (1966) and Alderfer (1969) are renowned for their works in this field. The intrinsic reward or also be known as motivators factors is the part of Herzberg motivation theory. Motivators are involve factors built into the job or the studies itself such as achievement, recognition, responsibility and advancement. Hygiene factors are extrinsic to the job such as interpersonal relationship, salary, supervision and company policy (Herzberg, 1966. There have two factors that are called hygiene fac...
temper their need for public acclaim and financial reward with strong intrinsic motivations” (George, Sims, McLean, & Mayer, 2007).
Mullins (2002) also classifies motivation into Intrinsic and Extrinsic types. Intrinsic motivation involves psychological rewards to enhance job satisfaction, such as the opportunity to use one's ability, a sense of achievement, receiving appreciation and positive recognition or being treated in a considerate manner (Mullins, 2002:P490). Such methods ensure employees are constantly motivated while being engaged in activities that are enjoyable and rewarding.