Judging a Woman by the Cover of Her Magazine

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Judging a Woman by the Cover of Her Magazine

Should we judge a woman by the cover of her magazine? The immediate

answer that springs to mind is a resounding NO, however, if given more

thought; the answer could be very different. Many of us are guilty of

jumping to conclusions and stereotyping. If we had to say who is the

more intellectual from the choice of a reader of Cosmopolitan and a

reader of the Financial Times, the vast majority of us would vote in

favour of the Financial Times reader. What our answer should be is

“you should not judge, based on this information alone.”

Let’s look at February’s issue of Cosmopolitan - the first thing that

draws your attention is the stunning Mischa Barton who is this month’s

cover girl. With the front cover bursting with body, diet and fashion

advice it suggests that anyone could achieve the same ‘perfection’,

and aspire to looking like the cover model, solely by reading the

magazine. Of course this is unachievable for the majority of readers,

without either undergoing extensive and expensive surgery or putting

their health on the line. Should we therefore assume the women who

pick this up to read are aspiring to this dream or reading it in


Popular phrases such as “tricks you must try” and “every woman must

read” plant seeds in readers’ minds which grow and develop, to the

extent that readers decide that they do want to try and they must read

it because it is what they want. I am generalizing here but magazines

do use these tactics to influence and persuade. Bearing this in mind,

what type of woman would pick up such magazines? Surely not the

intellectual, I hear you say, but perhaps this thought is wrong. Why

not the intellectual woman? Maybe she is busy every day with work and

meetings and these magazines give a form of escapism where trivia is

relaxing and takes her mind off the pressures of her every-day life.

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