Journey's End by R.C. Sheriff

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"Journey's End" is a dramatic and powerful play about the First World

War, which is written by R.C. Sheriff in 1920s. It talks about the

life of British soldiers in trenches. Unlike the previous plays about

the First World War, it does not emphasize the glory but the horror

and death of the First World War. Soldiers left their friends, parents

and homeland to war, fighting for their land because of the sense of

duty and loyalty; the cost might be really harsh. Death, the word

everyone fears; War, causing millions of soldiers, citizens to death.

Does anyone really win in a war?

In the "Journey's End", there are 7 characters (Stanhope, Osbourne,

Raleigh, Hibbert, Trotter, mason and the German Prisoner.) They are

all united with the external forces of war:

Stanhope - Stanhope is a young officer, he has a big change because of

what he saw in the war, and he is the only one who survived from lots

of battles for 3 years (He came out straight from school - when he was

eighteen. He's commanded this company for a year……… Other men come

over here and go home again ill… Act 1 Scene 1 P.6) Stanhope has a

reputation for drinking. I think he is using alcohol to forget the

changes. Everytime he meets Raleigh or when Raleigh calls him

'Dennis', Stanhope treats him really badly because he will remember

his past and changes on himself (………Did I ask him to force his way

into my company?…Very well, he'll pay for his damn cheek Act 1 Scene 2

P.30). Stanhope knew Raleigh has written a letter to home, Stanhope

thinks he would have written something that criticize him; After

Osbourne has read the letter to Stanhope, (Stanhope sits with lowered

head. He murmurs ……He rises heavily and crosses to the shadows by

Osbourne's bed. Act 2 Scene 2 P. 48) his reaction shows that he

misunderstood Raleigh and he felt sorry. At last Raleigh is wounded

and Stanhope feels so sorry about him, Stanhope knows that Raleigh is

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