Journey to Babylon

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If I had the opportunity to travel back through time, it would be nearly impossible for me to choose only one point in history to visit. Part of my mind beckons me to return to one of several points in my past. It could be humorous to observe myself as shy freshman in high school. Perhaps I could use my unique opportunity to meet and shake hands with Mike Piazza of the New York Mets for a second time. Several of my loved ones have passed away, and I would give anything to spend more time with them. My greatest concern about returning to my past, however, is that I would be tempted to change situational outcomes. I am too content with my current circumstances and opportunities to risk losing them. Given such a unique opportunity, it would be both advantageous and exhilarating to experience an unfamiliar period in time. I would be content opening any history book, selecting a random page, and traveling back through time to any given moment. Experiential learning best stimulates my intellectual growth. In my opinion, the best way to truly understand the gravity of certain situations ...

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