Journal on Different Literary Essays

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Salvation. Pg. 352
Hughes is showing an example for treating a serious subject with sensitivity and resentment. You basically know that they were going to just get up. In paragraph 6, sentence 5, 6 and 7, he says I’m tired of sitting here. Let’s get up and be saved. So he got up and was saved. Basically he’s being bitter to the belief of Jesus coming to you and being saved.
Hughes makes it slightly obvious that this is mostly a common, working class, black Christian church. Paragraph 4 he described old women with jet black faces and braided hair; old men with work gnarled hands. As Langston was waiting to see Jesus these church people were getting sad and nervous. Because everyone should be saved and see the light. To me Hughes is saying it’s sad that most people claim the light for purposes that it’s just supposed to happen. He’s also saying adults pressure children to believe or think a certain way, when there not ready.

38 who saw murder didn’t call the police. Pg. 679
Gansberg to me was showing how distant people were from one another. He’s saying we should do more for each other; protect each other better. He gives deed back to show his opinion clearly. In paragraph 24 a police stressed how simple it would have been to get in touch with them. “a phone call” said one of the detectives “would have don’t it.” He shows how many of them just didn’t want to get “involved.”
This essay kind of shocked me, but then half of me sees how accurate it is. It shocked me! You would think since its really easy, people would call the police. The other part of me sees how your mind can make it seem scary. Most people may think something may happen to them. It seems shellfish but what if there was a strong change of getting hurt, then what woul...

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...tside without running into a swarm of kids. Basically, you need to know that it's getting crowded. England doesn't want to deal with the mess in Ireland, but the situation is getting dire. Priority number one is saving as much money as possible. No one knows what to do with the gaggle of kids. They're draining resources and becoming a major annoyance. In Paragraph 10, the author finally gets around to proposing a solution. It's simple: kids are tasty and cost a lot when they hit the terrible twos. If you fatten them up and sell them for shillings, the famine and overpopulation crisis will be averted. He’s dehumanizing people. He makes infants seem insignificant, he even says some baby meat is the best. They basically are fed up! Trying to tax them when they have nothing, take the kids. It’s weird to me I didn’t really enjoy this very much, but found it interesting.

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