Josef Mengele's Influence On Adolf Hitler

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Adolf Hitler, Chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, used Jews as a scapegoat to Germany’s problems. His goal was to gain worldly power and to eliminate every Jewish person, enemy, or threat to his reign. He would send every Jew in the country of Germany to concentration camps. He orchestrated a breeding program of which if the child was not Aryan he would be exterminated.
Joseph Stalin, dictator of the Soviet Union from 1922 to 1953, grew up as despicable male. When he was a young man, he was a thief, agitator, and an assassin. If anyone spied on him or voted against Joseph Stalin, they would be doomed to death. He would kill the family members of anyone who loved him.
Vlad Dracula, Prince of Wallachia and inspiration of Dracula the vampire, enjoyed the torture and death of others. His typical method of death was impalement, sending a stake through the derrière and out the mouth. He loved to impale animals along with babies through their mother. He also toasted children and forced their parents to ingest their bodies (
Even though there were other evil people, Josef Mengele was the most sadistic and brutal person from the 15th to 21st century, performing merciless and murderous experiments on others.
Josef Mengele, a …show more content…

He was especially fascinated by twins, and he desired to find the secrets to heredity. Very few of the about 3,000 twins at Auschwitz endured Josef Mengele’s barbarous hysteria. They would have known him as Uncle Mengele. Uncle Mengele, the “Angel of Death,” was the handsome man who brought them different candies and clothes. Dr. Mengele had pockets filled with candies, chocolates. He would be charming, patting their heads, talking to them, sometimes even playing with them. He worked with other high researchers to figure out the secrets. Josef Mengele believed that twins kept all those secrets, which was why he was so thrilled whenever he discovered

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