John Kasich Essay

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John Kasich Vs Bernie Sanders. The U.S is well known for its two political parties, the Republican who are conservatives and the Democrats who are liberal.For year they have been competing trying to promote their political views and ideas to the people of America. To be more precise about my point how the two parties differ in their political views, will try to compare and contrast how the two parties differ from each other by picking two presidential candidates from each political parties, they are John Kasich( R ) and Bernie Sanders( D ). First we will talk about how the two presidential candidates differs on their views of issues the U.S is facing as a nation. Governor Kasich first issues is national security. ‘‘He has proposed a comprehensive plan to defeat ISIS, strengthen our military, and work with our allies to confront ongoing threats to our mutual security’’ ( The Kasich National Security Plan ). What he mean by that is, because of the treats we are facing around the world we need to rebuild our military, and lead from the front instead of just train and arm other forces …show more content…

‘‘Climate change is the single greatest threat facing the planet’’( Scanlon, Kate ). We can say that Senator Sanders is by far the most consistent and proactive voice there is when it comes climate change. His records prove it, unlike the republican party candidates he has acknowledged the works of the scientific community. He has cited that we need to transform our energy system from fossil fuel into sustainable energy. Whereas Governor Kasich when it comes it climate change he does not acknowledge it existance. He said he is not lying awake at night worrying,”especially when climate policies could come at the cost of American jobs’’( Merchant, Emma Foehringer). What this tells us is that Governor John Kasich does not see climate change as a big

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