John Dillinger Research Paper

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Dillinger’s Road To Fame
People are often remembered for being overly successful, extremely talented, or insanely wealthy; but there are exceptions to every rule. Being a fearless outlaw is not the ideal way to gain fame, but John Dillinger managed to do so. Dillinger’s fearless charisma, led him to go above and beyond to provoke law enforcement. Not many criminals have succeeded in the way John Dillinger did during the 1920s and 30s. He managed to put society in awe due to his obstreperous acts of rebellion. Being one of the most infamous criminals from his time, Dillinger had a huge influence on crime, and has greatly impacted gangsters all over the country.
The rebellious legend, John Dillinger, was born on June 22, 1903 in Indianapolis, Indiana (John Dillinger…”). Just like most outlaws, Dillinger was born into a very …show more content…

He started simple, but his career escalated very quickly. He was first introduced to the law enforcement on July 21, 1923. The devious gangster stole a sedan outside of church, and took a quick trip around town. His joyride did not last long before he was engulfed by the city police. Somehow Young Dillinger managed to free himself from the officers, and escape. This incident marked the beginning of his rampage. He decided he needed “a break with his father and [after] trouble with the law” he needed to enlist in the Navy. The army is place where you sacrifice your entire life, and devote it to our beloved country. It is also often viewed as a place to shape those who have gone through rough times, since the military’s rules are not fit for slackers. Dillinger decided the military was not the place for him, and liberated his ship when it docked in Boston. From stealing from the property of a church, and bailing on your entire country are not the most moral actions to commit, but those simple felonies were just a warning to his fellow

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