Job Rotation: Revitalizing Employee Efficiency

1168 Words3 Pages


Introduction to Management


REG NO: 122995
DATE: 11th May 2015

Job rotation is one of the concepts of management in which the workers or employees of a company or organization are allocated different jobs in the same organization after a certain period of time. This is helpful as it provides an opportunity to all of the workers to get familiarized with the rest of the organizational functions. It breaks the monotony of performing a repetitive job hence the employees are able to perform more efficiently due to a change in their repetitive routine. It gives them a chance to enhance or show their hidden skills which …show more content…

It basically means to merge different activities together at the same level with in a company and then add them in to the previous already existing job. For job enlargement to be successful the workers need to have knowledge and certain skills in other fields as well. Job enlargement helps the person to perform more efficiently as instead of performing a single repetitive task, he/she will now perform several tasks. The employees can enhance and learn newer skills which may lead them to earn better and perform a wide range of …show more content…

It states that a person’s behavior can be changed by using reward and punishment. Reward can be used to make a person behave in a way that the other person wants. Where as you can use punishment to prevent a person from behaving in a way that is unacceptable or not according to your standards.

In general, a stimulus is that evokes a physiological response in an organism. In terms of this theory the stimuli are certain external events that will alter or change the behavior of a person. Rewarding stimuli are connected with ones wants, likes and the need of satisfaction. This acts as a positive reinforcer. However reinforcement only occurs if there is a significant change in one’s behavior. A stimulus can cause either a positive reinforcement or a negative one. Positive reinforcer can be some stimuli event for which one works in order that they may gain it.
(EXAMPLE 1) For example if a child is asked to perform neat work and if he does then he will be given extra marks on his class work for every time he/ she does his/her work neatly, then this acts as a positive

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