Extrinsic Motivation And Leadership Styles In Employee Involvement

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Although intrinsically-motivated jobs are few, workers can be motivated to perform the task itself and thus become satisfied from their good performance. To motivate employees intrinsically and drive involvement, managers should design tasks which are interesting and allow the employees to autonomy in the decisions that concern them. Moreover, the employee’s work should match their skills and abilities. Further, the organization should provide the right characteristics for good performance to enable employees to derive internal satisfaction and motivation to perform well in future. The organization should also perform better on feedback, autonomy, task significance, task identity, and skill variety. Extrinsic motivation controls work performance …show more content…

Leadership styles determine the involvement of employees because effective leaders understand and use different styles in different situations. It is critical to know each employee, their motivators and personality since different employees are responsive to different leadership styles. Employee involvement is driven by different interrelated factors, such as employee confidence that they can perform a task and would get the permission to do so with minimal supervision. Moreover, the nature and quality of job, career development and growth opportunities determine the level of employee involvement. Other factors that leaders should bear in mind include ongoing communication and feedback, trust in the company’s integrity, as well as a clear understanding of the organizational goals and why employee contributions …show more content…

They know how to communicate engagement 's effect and share best practices across the organization by utilizing the available opportunities to reinforce and recognize the commitment to employee involvement. Leaders should find the best ways to boost employee involvement by empowering employees, engaging them in decision-making, and providing increased job autonomy. The involvement programs are geared towards increased commitment to the organization, employee morale, and job satisfaction, which eventually increase productivity and reduce absenteeism and job turnover. Employers increase involvement through employee suggestion for a, participative decision making, continuous improvement teams, employee task forces or committees, as well as self-managed work

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