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The kite runner characters analysis
The sense of family theme in the kite runner
The kite runner characters analysis
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Have you ever had a friend with such pure fortitude, that you had to question your own ethics? Some ethnic backgrounds have an effect on tradition that can impact daily lives. Certain traditions can lead to betrayal and ruining of friendships, strained relationships, and challenges to living a fulfilled life.
The difference in ethnicity between Amir and Hassan resulted into them parting their separate ways. "When the sun dropped low behind the hills and we were done playing for the day , Hassan and I parted ways. I went past the rosebushes to Baba's mansion, Hassan to the mud shack where he had been born, where he'd lived his entire life." (Hosseini, 5) There was a drastic lifestyle between the two Amir was born into a wealthy family and
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Even though it seemed like Amir had everything he wanted, he didn't. He desired to grasp his father's attention, but Baba's attention was focused on Hassan. Whenever Baba would show Hassan more affection than he did Amir, Amir would tease Hassan out of pure jealousy. As the jealousy grew stronger so did the teasing. "Hey, Babalu, who did you eat today? They barked to a chorus of laughter. "Who did you eat, you flat- nosed Babalu? They called him flat face Babalu because of Ali and Hassan's characteristics Hazara Mongoloid features." (Hosseini, 8) Amir would sit back and watch his best friend get picked on because he didn't want to be seen taking up for a Hazara. The real betrayal began when Amir watched Assef and his friends raped Hassan, "I could step into that alley, stand up for Hassan- the way he'd stood up for me. Or I could run. In the end, I ran." …show more content…
In this case Soraya was not fertile enough, so the doctor suggested adoption. Her father was not to fond of the idea of adoption. "Blood is a powerful thing, bachem, and when you adopt, you don't know whose blood you're bringing into your house." (Hosseini, 164) General Taheri would not accept anything less in his family but blood. To answer Soraya's, Amir's, and Teheri's wishes, Amir was sent to Kabul on a rescue mission to save his nephew, who was Amir's blood. The only set back from Amir adopting his nephew, Sohrab, was a Hazara. "You've been to Afghanistan," I said. "You know how improbable that is" (Hosseini 337) Amir was going against the Afghan tradition because no one follows through with adoption, especially a Hazara adoption at that. He was determined to adopt Sohrab no matter the circumstances, and so he did. Soraya was very accepting of the new member to the family and made Sohrab feel right at home. Him adopting Sohrab wasn't just for Sohrab, it was also the answer to redeem himself for watching Hassan get raped. Although Amir and Soraya had fertile problems, they chose to overcome the cultural expectations and
It is not often that Amir’s love for Baba is returned. Baba feels guilty treating Amir well when he can’t acknowledge Hassan as his son. Baba discriminates against his son Amir by constantly making him feel weak and unworthy of his father. Baba once said to Rahim Kahn, “If I hadn’t seen the doctor pull him out of my wife with my own eyes, I’d never believe he’s my son” (Hosseini 23). Amir doesn’t feel like a son towards Baba since he seems like such a weakling. This neglect towards Amir causes him to feel a need to be accepted by Baba to end the constant discrimination from his father and he will do anything for it. “I actually aspired to cowardice, because the alternative, the real reason I was running, was that Assef was right: Nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay, to win Baba” (Hosseini 77). Amir did not stop the rape of his good friend for one sole purpose. Amir felt that he had to betray his own half-brother to gain th...
Although Hassan is his best friend, there are many instances where Amir reveals his jealousy, most notable when Baba sees Hassan as the stronger boy, "self-defense has nothing to do with meanness. You know what always happens when the neighbourhood boys tease him? Hassan steps in and fends them off. I 've seen it with my own eyes…” (Hosseini 24).
While Amir is a Sunni, his childhood friend Hassan is Shi’a, an inferior division of Islam. Simultaneously, Amir and Hassan belong to different ethnic groups-Amir is Pashtun while Hassan is Hazara. During his childhood, Amir would constantly mock Hassan’s illiteracy and poke fun at him. But, the pivotal demonstration of pressure from his surroundings that makes Amir commit his own act of cruelty is when he watches Assef rape Hassan for refusing to give him the kite that Hassan caught for Amir. To this, Amir describes the look of Hassan’s face to “a look I had seen before. It was the look of the lamb” (76). Throughout his upbringing, Amir constantly believed that his father blamed him for killing his mother in childbirth. To Amir, Hassan’s rape is a sacrifice that Hassan has to pay the price, the lamb to kill, in order to win his father over. To justify his refusal to intervene, Amir reminds himself that “[Hassan] was just a Hazara, wasn’t he?” (77). Amir’s surroundings cause him to have a negative outlook on people that his society deem lower. Amir knows he is morally wrong for not helping Hassan, but his need for his father’s love overpowers his friendship. Adding to his pressures, Amir believes that Baba prefers Hassan over him, a belief that further drives him to be cruel to Hassan. As a result, Amir’s motivation for validation and love from his father
Baba, is what Amir called his father. Amir always looked up to Baba. He never wanted to disappoint him. Amir always wanted to be the only boy in the eyes of his father. He was jealous and would do anything for Baba to look up to him or respect him, as his son. Hence, the kite and alley incident. Through all the lies and deception, Baba still viewed Amir as innocent in many ways. Though Baba always wanted Amir to be athletic, play soccer, and display a talent of kite running and flying like Hassan and himself, he still loved Amir and saw his talents as a
A reason for this could be that Baba perhaps felt guilty about keeping the brotherhood between Amir and Hassan a secret. Although Baba was distant towards Amir and, at times, Hassan, he appeared to pay attention to the relationship between the two. He possibly knew how poorly Amir treated Hassan and felt he was solely to blame because he had kept their kinship from them. Baba assumed that Amir treated Hassan so poorly because Amir saw himself as better than Hassan. Since in his mind he, Amir, was a Pashtun and Hassan was merely a Hazara, as well as the son of Amir 's father 's servant. Even though Amir witnessed his Baba treating Ali, Hassan 's father, kindly, almost like a brother, he did not follow suit. Since Amir was more influenced by the opinions and views of the children he went to school with rather than his own
Three times Amir goes to great lengths to get Baba’s love. First, Amir doesn’t intervene when Hassan is getting raped because he doesn’t want to ruin the glory he will receive from Baba. He wants the approval and love of his father so bad that he validates what he did by saying “he was just a Hazara” (Hosseini 77). Amir is so infatuated with
This is because the Afghan culture does not adopt children. Disregarding this cultural difference, Sorab is a Hazara boy, but Hassan does not take the same cowardly route that his father did. Instead, he embraces Sorab like a son without the legal documentation of being his son. Amir loved Sorab and treated him like his own. Ironically, Amir’s wife is bearen, meaning she cannot bear children.
...h him; another part to this is because he believes Hassan is just a dirty Hazara boy. “I'd chase the car, screaming for it to stop. I'd pull Hassan out of the backseat and tell him I was sorry, so sorry, my tears mixing with rainwater. We'd hug in the downpour (Hosseini 109).” After Amir causes Hassan to leave, he laments about letting, more like making, his best friend leave him. He sees the dirty Hazara boy as his best friend at that moment. In both of these stories, the main character realizes how similar they are to the other social or religious group.
Amir had mistreated Hassan in some ways, for example, when he threw pomegranates at the latter, in hopes to receive the same treatment back. He had always thought that since Hassan was a Hazara, he should be looked down upon because he is of a lower class. After the kite running event and when Hassan was raped, Amir spoke to Ali about Hassan’s condition. He did not mention how Hassan was raped, but rather said that he was sick instead. From the way he spoke to Ali, it was noticeable that he was pushing the blame onto Hassan, freeing himself from all castigations he would receive. ““Like I said, how should I know what’s wrong with him?” I snapped. “Maybe he’s sick. People get sick all the time, Ali. Now, am I going to freeze to death or are you planning on lighting the stove today?”” (Hosseini 86) This line displays how Amir used excuses to maneuver his way from the topic of Hassan that day, in order to keep his image and mind clean. In addition to this idea of keeping the image clean towards society and believing in delusions, Baba had taught himself to think that he was a good man. When Amir and Baba were on the truck ride from Kabul, there was a part where a Russian soldier had threatened to kill Baba for protecting the woman. ““Tell him I’ll take a thousand of his bullets before I let this indecency take place,” Baba said” (Hosseini 122). It was apparent from this line, and
Hassan would do anything for his friends and treat everyone, even bullies, with respect because his respectful dad, Ali, taught him to always be loyal to all, and never hurt anyone. Ali was Baba’s servant and long-time friend, and stayed close to him throughout their childhood and adulthood. Amir's actions showed how much of a coward he was. Amir suffered his whole life living with the guilt of knowing that Hassan was raped, much like Baba lived his whole life in guilt knowing that he stole the truth from Ali by committing adultery.
Over the course of the novel, Baba implies that he is not proud of Amir and the only reason he knows Amir is his son, is because he witnessed Amir 's birth. He states to Rahim Khan that he thinks Amir needs to stand up for himself more often. Countless times during the novel, Amir feels like he has to fight for his affection, that he has to earn Baba’s love. In order to prove himself worthy of affection and to redeem himself for not being a son Baba could be proud of, Amir yearns to win the kite runner competition. He reminisces on a memory, when all “I saw was the blue kite. All I smelled was victory. Salvation. Redemption” (65). In the aftermath of Hassan’s rape, Amir got rid of Hassan so he would not have to face the cause of his guilt on a daily basis. Amir buries the secret of the rape deep within him, where he hopes that it will not come back to haunt him, which is not the case. “We had both sinned and betrayed. But Baba had found a way to create good out of his remorse. What had I done, other than take my guilt out on the very same people I had betrayed, and then try to forget it all? What had I done, other than become an insomniac? What had I ever done to right things?” (303). As mentioned earlier, Amir is not one who stands up for himself. In order for Amir to redeem himself for betraying Hassan, and not standing up for him earlier,
In the book Amir can be seen as a troubled young boy who is struggling with a tremendous amount of guilty. It is easy to blame Amir’s actions on his guilty and his father’s lack of love for him. The movie does not allow this. The movie characterizes Amir as a young boy who is to blind by his owns needs to be a decent and noble friend. The movie does not do a good job of showing that Amir felt horribly guilty about what he did to Hassan. It portrays Amir as uncaring and selfish. The movie also changes the depiction of Amir as an adult. While the book shows Amir as a man who has not yet learned to stand for what is right until he comes face to face with his past all over again, the movie jumps the gun and shows the change earlier with the change of a scene. The scene that is changed is when Amir and Farid visit the orphanage where Sohrab is supposed to be. In the scene Amir is the one to try and kill the orphanage owner instead of Farid which takes away from Amir’s cowardice persona that is portrayed in the book. The movie makes Amir seem stronger before his time while the book keeps up his weakling persona until he is faced with a situation he cannot help but stand up to. Similarly the characterization of Hassan is just as lacking as Amir’s in the movie. In the book, Hassan is shown as being selfless beyond a doubt and loyal to a fault.
noticed Hassan wasn’t back he begins to search for him and when he finds him, he recognized Assef a bully, raping Hassan. Amir was scared at first but then he convinced himself that it’s okay by saying “nothing was free in this world. Maybe Hassan was the price I had to pay, the lamb I had to slay to win Baba. Was it a fair price? ” (Hosseini 82). This shows how Amir is not loyal to Hassan and it also shows that Amir would do anything to grab baba’s at...
He would do anything, even as a small child, to please Amir. Even after he grew up and had a son, he told his son about his love for Amir. “And, under the same roof, we spoke our first words. Mine was Baba. His was Amir. My name.” (Hosseini, 12). If this was a teenage romance novel this would be a love triangle. Between Amir, Hassan and Baba. Amir spent his entire life trying to make Baba like him, to forgive him for killing his wife, to understand him, and get that special father to son bonding. Baba instead gave his attention to the servant’s son, Hassan. Later the story we find out that Hassan is Baba’s son too, but this is after both have died and Amir is a grown man. During his childhood Amir would have done anything to gain his father attention like Hassan had. Baba, feeling guilty, gave his attention to Hassan, and treated him kindly, out of guilt for not being able to recognise Hassan as his son. Yet Baba never treated Amir diskindly, other than the fact they never got along. Hassan did not go to school, and spent his time helping Ali with household chores, but got respected by Baba, and given gifts during holidays and a kite for flying season. Amir and Baba did not click in the way both of them wanted too. Amir tried to fake interests in sports for Baba, but after watching a rider get trampled by his horse, and started crying during the one and only sport event Baba took him too. “I cried all the way back home. I remember how Baba’s hands clenched around the steering wheel. Clenched and unclenched. Mostly, I will never forget Baba’s valiant efforts to conceal the disgusted look on his face as he drove in silence.” (Hosseini, 23) This was Amir memory of the sporting event. Amir need for love from Baba, led him standing in the alley watching Hassan get raped, knowing that when he brought that blue kite to Baba he will earn his love. Hassan on the other hand could not love Amir any less. To
“I read it to him in the living room... Hassan was the perfect audience in many ways, totally immersed in the tale, his face shifting with the changing tones in the story. When I read the last sentence, he made a muted clapping sound with his hands. "Mashallah, Amir agha. Bravo!" He was beaming… "Some day, Inshallah, you will be a great writer," Hassan said. "And people all over the world will read your stories."..."You exaggerate, Hassan," I said, loving him for it. "No. You will be great and famous," he insisted” (Hosseini 57). This line shows Hassan’s compassionate and admiration towards Amir by respectfully listening to Amir’s story and by praising it. Another example is when Amir shows his respect for his father, Baba but gets jealous for Baba loving his half-brother or best friend, Hassan more than him. One thing Amir does to show his respect for Baba is by disrespecting Hassan. Amir hides cash and money under Hassan’s mattress so Baba would think that Hassan is a theft. Amir thought that this would have Baba love him more than Hassan. This drives away Hassan and makes him eventually move out of the house. Over time throughout the book Amir finds out the real meaning of respect and shows it to Hassan through Sohrab.