Jay Gatsby Selfish

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Bob Marley, a Jamaican Musician once said, “The greatness of a man is not in how much wealth he acquires, but in his integrity and his ability to affect those around him positively.” The quote directly relates to Jay Gatsby as he didn’t care about all the wealth he had or the things he owned as long as he could surround himself with people he cared about he was happy. In F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby, Jay Gatsby remains true to his friends, his true love and his dreams.
Jay Gatsby has always made acquaintances easily, especially acquaintances that love to party and live an extravagant lifestyle; however Gatsby has been fortunate to make a few close friends. One of those friends is Nick Carraway. Nick had moved next door to Gatsby and eventually received a personal invitation to Gatsby’s party, which sparked their friendship. “Better than the whole damn bunch put together” (Fitzgerald 45). Nick …show more content…

However an important goal for Jay to reach was to have daisy back in his life. He didn’t get her back as a lover, but did get her back as a friend. Jay held lavish parties in hopes that Daisy would come and be wowed by his new expensive lifestyle. With many failed attempts he kept trying and was able to bring her to see what all the talk about. Other than getting Daisy back he kept true to one of his original dreams, which was to make a name for him. As young boy Gatsby knew he wanted more in life than just being a poor rural farmer. “’My family all died and I came into a good deal of money’” (Fitzgerald 70). He wanted to live with luxury at his disposal. With a lot of hard work he was able to reach that goal with overwhelming success. Gatsby became a very wealthy man as he owned many stores and involved himself in ambiguous business deals. He may not have made his money honestly but he did reach his goal and never gave up even though he faced many

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