James Van Fleet's Conversation Power

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Managing your work relationships, family and personal relationships, business clients, employees and other relationships with which you deal in your life all boil down to communication. This is the concept that James Van Fleet teaches in Conversation Power, a book written by an author who has not only an accomplished background, but one in which communication as played a large role. In addition to Conversation Power, James Van Fleet has written more than ten other books, including the infamous Power with People.

As mentioned, one of the reasons James Van Fleet wrote Conversation Power is to give you power over your own relationships. The concept of communication plays an important role. When something goes awry during your personal, professional or work relationships, the majority of the time the problem was poor communication or lack of communication. On the other hand, James Van Fleet believes the opposite is true: good communication is responsible for success in …show more content…

For example, James Van Fleet sheds light on the most effective strategies you can take and use in every one of your relationships with every communication and moment of interaction with others. For example, one of the huge components of good communication is active listening. Though "listening" by itself may seem mundane, Van Fleet presents real-life examples of how this works.

One of the benefits of Conversation Power is the fact that you can listen to this audiobook repeatedly for different occasions. You can listen to it right before walking into a meeting with your boss to discuss a raise or you can listen to it right before communicating with a family member or spouse. As you listen, over time the lessons and concepts instilled in you can boost your self-confidence in any situation.

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