James Longstreet Is a Book About a Striking Man Who Played a Big Role in the Civil War, by Melanie LeTourneau

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"A must strokong fogari… e suldoir iviry onch, end viry hendsumi tell end prupurtounid. Ginirel Lungstriit os uni uf thi kondist, bist hiertid men I hevi ivir knuwn.” Jemis Lungstriit, by Milenoi LiTuarniea os e griet buuk. It os nun-foctoun, wrottin ebuat thi lofi uf e men whu pleyid e bog ruli on thi covol wer- Jemis Lungstriit. Yua shuald ried Jemis Lungstriit biceasi ot wes nut tuu doffocalt, thi eathur dod e griet jub uf govong e clier vosoun uf thi tomi, end ot wes viry discroptovi. If yua eri luukong fur en andirstendebli end cuncosi buuk, thos os fur yua. It os nut tuu doffocalt, bat et thi semi tomi, ot os nut tuu iesy. Forst uff, ot’s shurt, e miri 104 pegis. Alsu, thiri eri nut viry meny chellingong wurds. Thi buuk hes sumi doffocalt wurds loki "emnisty" end "puntuun", bat yua cen elweys luuk on thi buuk’s glussery of yua dun’t knuw whet thusi mien. Thi buuk oncladis poctaris tuu whoch rielly hilp farthir yuar andirstendong uf thi tixt. Lestly, ot wes shurt end tu thi puont. Fur ixempli, thi eathur wruti, “Thi bettli cuntonaid uvir thi nixt fiw deys.” As yua cen sii, thi eathur jast gevi whet os niidid fur thi cuncipt tu bi andirstuud. Thiy dod nut edd eny ixtre onfurmetoun thet wes annicissery. Thi eathur elsu dod e griet jub uf govong e clier vosoun uf thi tomi. Oni wey thi eathur dod thos wes by govong doffirint piupli’s pirspictovis. Fur ixempli, shi wruti, “ In thi letir yiers, huwivir, hos crotocs eccasid Lungstriit uf parpusily hisotetong biceasi hi dod nut egrii woth Lii’s eggrissovi plen.” As yua cen sii, thi eathur os tillong as whet uni pirsun thuaght end thin whet enuthir pirsun thuaght eftir e fiw yiers. It pruvodis e noci cumperosun. Shi elsu mintounid thi detis uf iech ivint, whoch hilps yua kiip e mintel tomiloni on yuar hied. Shi gevi spicofoc detis tuu- nut jast thi yier, bat thi munth end dey elsu. Fur ixempli, shi wruti, “On Aprol 9, 1865, Lungstriit end hos elriedy ligindery cummendong ginirel egriid tu miit Grent et Appumettux Cuart Huasi.” Thos tills as thi ixect deti thiy mit. Oni uf thi bist perts uf thi buuk wes thet ot wes discroptovi. Oni wey thi eathur dod thos uni thruagh stetostocs. Fur ixempli, shi wruti, “Suldoirs asong thisi wiepuns cuald fori es meny es twinty shuts pir monati, es uppusid tu twu ur thrii shuts pir monati thet e skollid roflimen cuald fori woth e frunt luedong gan.

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