Is artificial intelligence possible?

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Is artificial intelligence possible?


In the science fiction film, The Terminator directed by James Cameron,

the computers in the movie "get smart" and rise up against their human

masters. In other words, the computers in the movie were able to

become independent of their programmers and developed a kind of

artificial intelligence (A.I.). This essay will prove that in real

life, computers will never realize artificial intelligence, and also

even though functionalism is based on an analogy between humans and

computers, it is an effective way to describe the interaction between

the mind and body. Two essays will be evaluated in this essay. The

first essay was called; "Can Computers Think?" by John Searle which

rejects the theory of A.I. The second essay was called; "Escaping from

the Chinese Room" by Margret Boden, which supports A.I.

A functionalist view of the mind is one that draws an analogy between

the functioning of the human brain and the functioning of the digital

computer. The strongest view says that the mind and the brain are just

digital computers. This is called strong A.I., which is a term coined

by John Searle.

American Hilary Putnam was one of the first to make the analogy

between the brain and the computer Putnam said it made no more sense

to compare the mind and the brain then to compare the software with

the hardware of a computer. He also made the point that psychologists

were like programmers and electrical engineers were like physicians.

Putnam also made the point not to take the analogy too far. There are

important differences between computers and humans. One of the

differences Putnam felt was that "…all humans were able to learn from

their experience and so change their own program but few computers

could do that unaided" Hilary Putnam also argued against identifying

psychological events with neurophysiologic events, and even against

the attempt to do so. He felt mapping the brain to the mind was a

waste of time.

Jerry Fodor was another well known functionalist. Fodor, like Putnam

felt that functionalism alleviated many of the problems associated

with other mind body theories. These other mind body theories included

Cartesian Dualism, materialism, behaviorism and the identity theory.

Cartesian Dualism is the theory that that the mind and the brain are

two separate things...

... middle of paper ...

... as these are products of people

not brains." She tries to demonstrate that the robot and the human

brain are the same, in that they are both made up of small very stupid

parts which build into a collective brain that is capable of


"The fact that a certain light sensitive cell can respond to intensity

gradients and that one neuron can inhibit the firing of another"

Problem with this explanation is that now instead of input from a

keyboard, the robot now receives its information from its sensors. The

input will still be processed programming in the CPU of the robot.

Boden did not disprove Searle's point that the syntax of a program is

not sufficient for understanding of a digital computer system. Boden

could not show that non-biological entity did have understanding, but

she did show that Searle's argument on this point was a little weak

because it relied on in tuition. The functionalism theory was shown to

be an attractive theory a long as it was not taken too literally.

Consequently it was shown in this essay that due to syntactical nature

of computer programs and the computers lack of causal powers needed

for a machine to have mental states.

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