Is Lying Justified Essay

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The three main types of lies are : white lies, lies to protect the liar, and lies to protect the liar, and lies to cause harm. Experts like Blanton Brad express that lies are sometimes justified but it complicates relationships, whereas Immanuel kant believes that all lies are unjustified. Teens in the articles exhibit lies as being justified, when the key to lying is not to tell a whole lie. Lying to others is sometimes justified due to lies to protect others, easier to lie, and lies have a cost. First of all, not only lying is justified it is easier to lie. Some people may say that telling the truth is best, But I disagree because it is easier to lie when your situation you're in is easy. For example, Cohen states that “not only lying is justified it is sometimes a moral duty” (article 1, paragraph 10). This evidence highlights that you’re lying to protect someone from harm, so it is okay to lie to protect someone from harm. One can see by this that people protect others from harm when someone tries to harm you, so it’s okay to lie to protect others. For
For example, Cohen explains that “not only is lying justified it is sometimes a moral duty” (article 1, para 10). For instance, a moral duty is like we have to say the truth no matter what. Lying here means that we must not lie to our moms and be honest all the time. This matters, because we have to tell the truth it doesn’t matter what it is always admit the truth. Another piece of evidence is what Cohen identifies that “lying to protect someone from serious harm is a justified time to lie”. This means that when it comes down to lying to protect someone from harm lying should be justified to protect that person. This is important because we must protect our loved ones especially when it comes down to life or death. In conclusion, lying is acceptable when our loved ones in life or death we must lie to protect

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