Is Junk Food Really Cheaper? By Mark Bittman

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A professional cook and award-winning cookbook author, Mark Bittman, in his article, “Is Junk Food Really Cheaper?”, which was published by the New York Times, he discusses and persuades his readers to cook a meal is indeed cheaper than buying fast food. Bittman purpose of this article is to explain the advantages of cooking at home and “the truth behind fast food”, such as it is not healthier and it is more expensive. The author does that by using logos, pathos, and ethos to help create an aggressive tone and support his claims that fast food is not good for you.
One of the first arguments that are made in the article by the author is that we, as a society feel that fast food is cheaper vs going to a local supermarket and making a home cooked meal. …show more content…

663). In this article, it states that “our culture and environment” play an important part on what we as adults eat and our children. Our culture has gotten so caught up in fast food, that we think it is no longer normal to even cook a home cooked meal. And we have also taught our children, that eating fast food is normal and anything other than that isn’t. And the only way to change how people feel about eating fast food regularly and never cooking a home cook meal starts with the environment (Bittman, 2011, p. 663). We have to start by approaching real unprocessed food that we buy from the supermarket, and “…raising our children in homes that don’t program them for fast-produced, eaten-on-the-run, high calorie” and start by “…giving them the gift of appreciating the pleasures of nourishing one another and enjoying that nourishment together” (Bittman, 2011, p. 664). Family time spent together eating a home-cooked meal is something that a family can appreciate as a group. It not only makes people appreciate family and togetherness, but

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