Is Feminism Relevant Today?

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For the first time in history women all over the world are being heard as one voice demanding their basic rights no matter what their country, color, or race (Hosken). Feminism has been an ongoing problem in every country for hundreds of years. Lack of education and violence toward progress has crushed many advancements for change. Women do not ask to be stronger or better than men. Many women just ask to be equal and known for their ideas and accomplishments. It is not about women working individually, but it is about what women are able to do together with other men and women. There are many women who are known all over the world for their achievements, from Maya Angelou to Malala Yousafzai. Feminism is relevant today because it is about being a capable, respected, and an accomplished woman. For hundreds of years feminism has been a two-sided subject with negative connotations. Yet, feminist movements should be interpreted in the context of struggles (STUURMAN). Within each generation, the struggle was directly related to a better way of life. Although women reformers started unifying in the 1800’s, it was not until the early twentieth century that a movement concentrated on winning suffrage …show more content…

Feminism is relevant today because it is about being a capable, respected, and an accomplished women. Each woman has their own strengths to benefit every area of society making a better mother, wife, daughter, sister, and friend. Feminism has grown and changed with each generation to adapt to each new struggle. Young women today view feminism much differently than decades in the past. Today’s female is strong, intelligent, passionate, and hard-working. They are willing and able to handle the responsibilities and stress of influential positions. Cooperation and mutual respect is the key to progress among the sexes. The relevance of feminism is here to

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